Chapter 14: airdrop

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ring ring goes your phone. "hello this is y/n how can i help you. did you know that saving 15% is always on your side?"

"hello this is hulary clarkson calling to tell you i am on a smoking hot date with donny boy right now"

"oh good the plan is working" joe whispers when he hears this.

"shut yer pie hole joey boy" you snark, slamming a giant apple pie in his mouth which he enjoys a lot

hilory say s "but wait there's more! there is a secret key in donild's pocket. i got it out by saying it's bad luck for impearment but i dont know wat it opens"

"hee hee hee" you say "me neither" anyway airdrop it to me will you hills

the airdrop appears in your pocket and you take out the key which has a lemon on it. hmm you think, what could this open?

on the other side of the door your standing in fronnof, obama is wailing like an airplane. wee woo wee woo

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