1- The Hotel On A Rainy Day

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Here we gooooooo........ yay!!!

You were walking along the streets of [REDACTED], nothing on your mind bugging you really. Other than the fact you were exhausted from all the walking you've done today, and it was raining. You look at the watch on your wrist, It was already 11:30 pm. Your groan and glance around. Who knows how god damn long you've been walking by now, and how far away you are from your home. You sigh and continue walking in the rain. Suddenly, it starts pouring. You start to run, opening your umbrella simultaneously. You trip and fall in a puddle. You're now drenched in water. You reach other for your umbrella, which was on the ground. You couldn't reach it, It was hard to reach it like your whole body was strained. You make an attempt to crawl over to it, your reached it, barely albeit. You try to stand up, failing. You groan in pain, it feels like your leg is just, done. You lay down in the puddle and close your eyes. Accepting whatever that was bound to happen.

A few minutes later, you feel something softly kicking your leg. You open your eyes and see something that seems like an angel. Wings and a cracked halo, It was mostly a void black color, with blue tints on the left side of it. With something resembling what you had on. It held its hand out to you, prompting you to take it. You take it, and get up, limping slightly. It crouches and picks up your umbrella, observes it. and hands it over to you. You could tell it was smiling despite having no face whatsoever. It wraps its hand around your shoulder, helping you walk... but where were you walking? You start to silently panic, looking around, but the angel that was with you seemed nice. So as before, your accept fate.

Next thing you know it looked like you were in something like a dining room. With some weird looking people, the angel was right next to you. You look around suspiciously as they all stare at you, menacingly. The silence is loud. The tiny one with tentacles and what seemed like a black dress & stringy hair in a high chair said "Whozzat?" It sounded sassy, like it knew every slur in the English dictionary. The Inky one with a singular eye, short hair, baggy pants and a turtleneck completed with a necklace with an eye on it replied. "We've been over this, Screech, we were feeling nice and-" The stringy haired one said back "Yeah Yeah, Seek, We were feeling nice and we saw this random person on the street and you wanted to help them so we sent The Guiding Light out to retrieve them and bring them back since were kind of.. stuck here... Excluding Timothy and Guiding Light"

You think to Yourself "So the Inky one is screech and... No.. that isn't right, The inky one was Seek, The stringy haired one was Screech, and the angel was The Guiding Light.. Who is Timothy, is there another human here?"

You hear something clear its throat, turn around and see a void glitchy creature. It speaks "Timothy is the spider next to the one in the high chair, or as you know, Screech. Your the only human here, I think."

 Your shivered and Pointed at the glitchy creature. Everyone looks at you, confused. "What?" The Purple one with multiple eyes, with a tie, button up shirt, and brown vest asks.You look and see the weird glitchy void thing hovering over the multi-eyed one pointing at them. It speaks to you once again "This is Eyes, and please refer to me as Glitch." You subtly nod. You observe your surroundings again, and see Screech petting Timothy. You also seem to spot something walking in. It seemed to have curly hair, it was void black, like Guiding Light, with white tints on the side, but this time it had eyes, just pure white eyes. "Look who decided to come out of the closet!" The blue one with words in its hair like "Run" and "Turn around" completed with a ghostly dress snickered. "Shut up the fuck up, Halt. Stop making jokes about me being gay and never leaving an area" The white tinted one replied.

Glitch appears again, "The blue one is Halt, the one with glowing white eyes is Hide." Glitch spoke. "I don't think Hide likes Halt" You thought, trying to send a message to it. Glitch receives it, replying "Pfft, they always get over it. Everyone at the table is like roommates, except Rush and Ambush." You make a confused look before sending another message to Glitch back "Who?" Glitch suddenly glitches and appears behind the similar looking Green and Grey ones. They both have bandanas with mouth decals. The grey one had one bandana with a wide smile, The green one had a bandana with a mouth that look.. flabbergasted?? They both had void black eyes. They also both had trench coats, The green one had a white one and the Grey one had a black one. The green one had fishnets and what seemed like black military boots. The grey one had socks and casual grey sneakers on. They both also had shorts on, but you could only barely see them as they were covered by the trench coat. Rush had hair that looked greasy, Ambushes hair looks well done, they both had tomboyish sidetails. Glitch clears its throat and speaks again "Haha, The green ones Ambush and the grey one is Rush. They are siblings, Ambush is really shy but harmful, by the way. A lot of the monsters are scared of her too."

You subtly nod again. Going back to focusing on your current situation and place. Halt and Hide are arguing very violently and explicitly, Screech is still petting Timothy, Seek looks tired and done with this bullshit. Rush and ambush are playing tic-tac-toe or something. Guiding light is holding your hand for some reason. Glitch appears once again "Oh yeah I forgot about the other two, Jack and Figure. Jack doesn't really do anything." Glitch points at the black and white one. "Figure is much more terrifying, figure is blind but can hear vibration and sounds very well. So like, maybe watch out for that one." Glitch points at the one that was tall and looked like a fleshbag, dressed in formal attire with a top hat, shaggy hair that would be covering his eyes-- if he had any in the first place. It seemed that it had a cane too.

Welp, thats the end of this chapter, Heres the genders that I used w/ pronouns (remember im chronically online guys)


Screech (She/it) (i know screech is probably a toddler in this story but istg everyone uses its)

Halt (Any)

Ambush (She/He/It)


Rush (/He/She/It)

Seek (He/it)

Timothy (whatever spiders use as pronouns he/him i guess)

Jack (He/it)

Gender Neutral/Other

Hide (Any)

Eyes (They/Them)

Glitch (It/Its)

Window (It/Its)

Shadow (It/Its)

Y/N (Any)

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