Chapter 3: Gerion I

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Disclaimer: Once again I do not own anything!!!

It was a moonless night. The sky was dark and thundering. The sea was a little rough, but it was to their advantage. The waves were hitting the ships from behind, making them move easier towards their destination. It was a storm without a storm. No rain, no flash of lightning. And yet the noise from the wind was roaring. It was like nature itself was aiding them. Nobody could see them sailing through Shipbreaker Bay. Nobody could hear them. They were invisible.

Gerion was counting his breaths. He was standing on the deck of his small ship, waiting. He had no clue how much time had passed since they had begun rowing. He could see nothing else but the tiny torch of light at the back of the ship. That had been the smuggler's idea. That way the other ships would not lose their way, while at the same time they would not be seen by a long distance. Hopefully.

Gerion could not believe what they were attempting. This whole plan was dangerous. More than dangerous. If they were not killed by Redwyne and his fleet, then they would surely find their demise in the sea. A real storm could start any minute. And then nothing would save them from joining Steffon Baratheon in his watery grave. In all honesty, what was Tywin thinking? His brother had probably lost his wits. Why else was this green boy so important that Tywin Lannister would endanger himself, his heir and one of his brothers?

Gerion could not think of an answer. All this was surreal to him. He remembered the day it started. He had been drinking wine with Kevan when Tywin had come looking for him. He had made a jape that his Golden brother would seek him out himself, but Tywin had not reacted at all. Not a disappointed frown, not a downturn of his lips. Nothing. Instead, he had ordered him to find the best sailors in Lannisport and bring them to him by the break of the following morning. And then he had left.

Despite being known for his recklessness and flippancy, Gerion was a clever, perceptible man. He could acknowledge when a situation was just a simple problem and when it was indeed dire. And at that particular moment, he had recognized his brother's tension. So without further thought, he had done exactly as asked.

He had gathered 400 men. Young, strong, but experienced sailors who knew how to do their job. And he had brought them to his brother. It had surprised him that Tywin had wanted him to remain while speaking to them. And he had been even more incredulous after the end of his speech. Apparently, his brother had decided to join the Rebels. And he needed to smuggle Jaime out of King's Landing. So, he had decided to send forty of these men with Gerion as their Captain to do the job. And he had wanted it done in a fortnight.

Gerion had been so flabbergasted that he had been unable to hold his tongue.

"Are you mad, Tywin?" he had asked incredulously.

His brother had only stared at him before turning back to the men.

"Who among you can do as I order?" he had asked.

About 50 young men had walked forwards with some hesitation.

"I am giving one thousand golden dragons to each of you that reach King's Landing in a fortnight. I don't care about the winds. I don't care about the storms. Anyone who can make a sailing ship move by at least 200 miles a day will receive a thousand golden dragons. Now, can you accomplish what I am asking?"

Immediately all fifty men had burst into applause. Every single one of them had accepted the challenge.

Gerion for once in his life had been completely speechless. He had turned to his brother wide-eyed.

"You leave in the morning. You will take a small sailing ship. You will travel fast, but carefully. When you reach Flea Bottom you will search for a man named Davos. He is a smuggler. You will pay him whatever price he wants. In exchange, he will have to help get Jaime, Elia and her children out. The plan is written in this paper right here. You will explain everything to him as I say. And afterward, you will join me and the rest of these men in Tarth. Let us see then if this Davos will smuggle us through the most prominent fleet of Westeros."

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