-29, Epilogue

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"So why why won't you start telling something about what happened ?" the with a clipboard awkwardly asked.

Amy crushed the butt of her cigarrete in an ash can and puffed out some smoke before answering.

"If you want to." she simply answered.

"They pushed me away from him. They pulled at my arms and stood infront of me. Just to see if Calum was still alive."

"I didn't think so. But he didn't breathe for a couple of minutes. "

"I lost everything then. I even kicked a police man in his crotch, but they tackles me afterwards."

"And that's when my parents came. I'm probably a shame for the family. To see their daughter like this on the ground, screaming and kicking, it must have been terrible."

She thought about Calum the whole time while the woman was scribbling things down.

She looked at her package of cigarettes, she wanted another one. Amy tried to commit suicide multiple times, but she realized that smoking was the best way to have a slow death.

"Uh-hu, I see, and can you tell me something about Brandon ?" Amy hissed when his name fell in the room.

"Don't make me do this." she pleaded.

"Mrs. Johanson, we'll have to put you in the special room if you don't want to answer." she has been in that room before, a white small room with absolutely nothing in it, not even a chair or a table.

She has been in there for a week, until she became crazy.

"Okay.." she said.

"How was your relation with him before ?" she asked.

"I'm pretty sure that we were the happiest couple on earth." was all she said.

"We were just fourteen. We were walking in the park, it was a bright day, when everything around us became dark all of a sudden."

"Do I really have to do this ?" she asked the nurse.

The nurse nodded, growing impatient with Amy.

"I started seeing him everywhere after he died, in my room, he killed almost all of my friends. Everyone thought Brandon commited suicide, but I saw him getting killed with my own eyes."

"Uhu, I see, and can you tell something about Calum Hood ?" she asked.

"He was the first person that didn't thought I was a freak. He started talking with me, he wanted to be my friend. I even fell in love with him. But I didn't realise that Calum Hood was a danger to me until Brandon hung my friend up. The first victim." Amy thpught about all the good memories she had with him.

"Okay, Amelia, we're almost done with our session for today, I'm going to ask you one more question, what are tge scars on your collarbone ?" she asked with a neutral voice.

Amy's face paled, but she answered after all.

"Brandon killed them all."

"The first scar is for Ashton Irwin, he hung him up that day, he said to me that he recieved a text from an unknown person that he had to come to meet him. Ashton was 1/4"

"The second scar is made for Luke Hemmings. Brandon shot Luke with a gun in the woods. He was very sad about Ashtons death so I wanted him to meet me in the woods to talk to him. I came there and I saw him laying on the ground. Luke was 2/4"

"The third scar is for Michael Clifford. Michael was drowned in a river. I found him on a cold day when ibwanted to be alone at the lake. I found his pale body floating in the river. He was dead. Michael was 3/4"

"And 4/4 was meant to be Calum. I never knew that Brandon could see everything what I did. His plan was to kill Calum on the same way that he was killed."

Amy showed the scars.

"And look where I am now." She said, lighting up another cigarette.

"In a fucking crazy house."

"I'm not delusional."

"It's all real."

"Every single thing that happened was real."

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