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It happened two years ago. I was fourteen. Brad died at the age of 14. I was haunted by that day in my sleep. I'm now sixteen, and I'm not still not over it.


"Hello class !" Ms Scarlay is always so preppy and happy. "I have a paper for you to fill in. It's about some questions of your life." I recieved a paper from a guy with chocolate brown hair, and cute bug eyes.

" Thank you :-)" I said. "Ur welcome" And he smiled back.

Let's start the questions.


NR.8: What was the worst thing that happened in your life.


Seriously ???

" I l - love you " I couldn't do anything. One last look at him.

" I l - love you to, Amy " A tear was rolling down his face.

" Say gooooodbye everyone. " The murder said.

We just looked at each other. Tears rolling down my face.

" No goodbye :( ?" The creeper had his knife pointed at his throat.



NR.8: What was the worst thing that happened in your life ?

What are this for questions ? I looked around at the others. They were already further then question 8.

I heard the girl behind me, she breathed very fast but quiet, and she was sweating.

"Are you having an asma attack ?" I asked.

*No answer

"Are you okay ?" I now looked at her,  in her eyes.

" H-Huh ?" She looked up at me. She had beautiful sea green eyes.


"H-Huh ?" I said. I looked in his eyes. Chocolate brown.

"Are you okay ?" He asked.

"Euhm y-yeah" I said.

"Okay. Because you breathed  fast.

"N-no I'm fine. I said.

"Okay :)" He said and he returned to look forward.


"Okay class ! now give your papers forward. And the person on the first row will collect them.

I gave my paper to Chocolate brown haired, pretty boy.

"Calum By the way."



The bell rang and I was the first one to leave class.

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