Draco X Harry

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Tw: shag is mentioned

"I think we should go on a date"

That shattered the rest of Malfoy control  "what"

"Potion says so" harry cut him off before he could protest

"I don't make the rules the potion makes the rules! Apparently I'm in love with you"

His voice screening and much higher then normal, Malfoy shouted

"That's not how amortentia works"

"Well" Harry conceded "then I'm attracted to you at least! Have been since in was fithteen!" He shook his head and laughed

"Fuck makes a lot of sense doesn't it? All this time we haven't been able to grow up and stop fighting? It's because I secretly want to shag you, apparently!."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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