Hermione X female reader

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"I still don't get it " you sign you have been studying for what seemed like hours "it actually simple"
she smiled "you will get there "  she said as she starts guiding your hand with her you knew the spell but couldn't do the hand movements right that confused you . She guide your hand delicately with her's. You couldn't help but get butterfly when you are around her. She was  the definition of perfect. You could fell your cheeks heat up when looking at her so you looked the other way . "Thanks mione don't know what I would do without you" you whispered to her.

"Your doing amazing y

all you have to do is practice" she said smiling. Her voice was warm and comforting to listen to as always. She glanced down at you lips then she looked in your eyes meeting you gaze. You swear she pupils dealated
slightly. A strand of her hair fell in front of her face so you took your chance and brushing in slowly behind her ear softly. She looks down with a big smile one her lips. You moved your chair closer to hers well closer enough to fell her body heat you slowly lifted up her chain bringing your lips closer to hers.

She looked at you her dark eyes seemed like the were glowing at your touch you brought your lips forward brushing then against hers . To your suprise she quickly kissed you back and keep her hands on the side of your chair as she leads in closer. her lips taste like strawberry sweet and sofl.

Harry potter one shot stories Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora