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Authors note* (This is a dream Heath is having, but it's just a flash back of when they where kids)

"Zack come on! Don't be a party pooper!" I exclaimed

We're both standing over the edge of a cliff, with water resting under us.

"It's not that scary." I say giving Zack a dumb look.

He just nods his head in disapproval.

"I'm gonna jump." I say with pride.

I lunge off the cliff, it feels like I'm flying. Until I hit the cold hard water with a splash.

Authors note* (now we're back to the regular story.)

I wake up gasping for breath, I flung myself off of Zack but to my surprise he didn't wake up.

What was that all about? Was that Zack? What the hell...did I already know him? I fling the covers off of me, and panic run to my closet.

I pull out a black shoe box, with pictures inside. I sit on the floor and dump the pictures out of the shoe box.

I see pictures of me and Zack...when we were kids.

"Heath what are you doing up so early." Zack says in a whiny tone.

I don't answer back I'm trying to figure this all out. I'm frantically finding all the pictures of me and Zack together.

I always thought I was just with some random friend I made when I was little. But it's Zack Morris.

"Holy shit." I mumble under my breath.

"What is it?" Zack says sitting up.

"Come here." I say picking up more and more pictures.

I watch him as he gets off the bed and makes his way to the floor in front of me.

"You still have all of these?" He asks picking some of the photos off the white carpet.

"What do you mean? I don't remember any of this, I just had a dream of me jumping off a cliff and you where there." I say setting down the photos in anger.

"You wouldn't remember Heath, you got a concussion after you jumped." Zack says with a sigh.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" I say with even more anger building up inside.

"I wanted you to figure it out by yourself, I've been trying to find you for awhile Heath, we got split up when I moved. And I finally found you. I don't want to loose you ever again." He says with sadness in his eyes.

As soon as Zack said that memories flooded my head. We where together all the time, until one day Zack moved without telling me. And I never saw him again. He used to call me Heath bar all the time. I can't believe I couldn't remember.

"Oh my god...it's really you." I whisper as I tackle Zack for a hug.

We hug for a few minutes and I sit up on his waist while he's still on the ground.

"Also why didn't you tell me you where moving ass hole!" I exclaim.

"...Sorry." He says blushing.

"Your really cute when your like that." He says trying to hide his cute smile.

"Shut up..." I mumble as I slide off of him.

We both start picking up pictures, and I slide the black shoe box back into my closet. I'm hoping to break that out again and put some pictures in some frames. I smile to myself...of me and Zack.

The Irresistible Zack MorrisWhere stories live. Discover now