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"Seriously?!? I hit the net once and you tell coach to put me in JV?!? What's your problem?! Is this still about the parking spot!? Grow up Kam and Sam!"
"OH HELL NO!" Sam yelled when she read the text "She really thinks she can talk to us like that?! Oh wait until she hears what I have to say." As soon as she said Matty took her phone. "Babe, clam down. The last thing you need is some random starting drama the first week of senior year." They disappeared while Matty tried to call Sam down. I started typing my response. "Kam? What are you about to say to her? Don't doing anything that could cause trouble babe." Baylor said when he noticed me furiously typing.
"Jessica. I'm sorry if you think that's what happened. Coach Barton asked our opinion and he agreed with us. You aren't ready for Varsity VB. We're giving you until we play the Knights at the end of this month to see if you've improved enough to move up to Varsity."
"Good, now don't freak out with whatever she says back. It's just volleyball." He covered his mouth with his hand as soon as he realized what he said.
"I'm sorry what was that Baylor? Did you say it's just volleyball." Sam had come back just in time for her to hear him. He had three girls ready to kick his ass for what he'd just said and it wasn't going to be pretty. Matty grabbed Sam and Luke grabbed Meg but they both knew there was no stopping me.
"Seriously Baylor!? It's just volleyball!! What if I told you it's just basketball or it's just one class, you can miss it to talk to your girlfriend." I was on a rampage and he knew this wasn't gonna end well for him. He stayed calm but I could see the hurt behind his eyes. "Kam, I'm sorry. Thats not what I meant."
"But that's what you said Baylor!" I turned around and headed back toward my car.
"Kam. Kamryn." He called after me but I wasn't giving him the satisfaction of me turning around and forgiving him.

Based on a not so true story. {hiatus}Where stories live. Discover now