t w e n t y - s i x

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"So what happened?"
"We were talking about sports and then he said if it wasn't for me and spandex shorts, he wouldn't give two shits about VB."
"Ok rude. Then what?"
"I said that's kinda rude and it kinda makes you sound like douche bag. He then said oh so now I'm a douche bag because I go to watch because of my girlfriend. You wouldn't go to football or baseball games if it wasn't for me."
"Bullshit statement, continue."
"That's exactly what I said, that's bullshit I went to football and baseball games before we started dating to support our school. He then said what you just said is bullshit and you know it. I said seriously Matty how could you even say that. He then proceeded with this argument I'm tired of you lying and telling me all this bullshit."
"Starting to want to kick his ass."
"Exactly. I said what the hell are you even talking about Matthew. He said well Samantha think about it like you told me you and Kamryn were gonna stop with the whole queen bitch thing and actually be nice to people and here we are on a trip with a girl who's social life you tried to ruin before it even started and you two haven't even acknowledged her since breakfast. I said maybe because she's been stuck so far up Major ass we need a flashlight to find her. He said bullshit you haven't even tried."
"She won't be stuck up his ass much longer. He's breaking up with her when we get home."
"Thank goodness. But that's when I started crying and then I said way to go Matty you just ruined this weekend for me. He said of course the weekend is only ruined for you everything always has to be Sam. that's when I texted you and I told him if that's what he thinks then why is he dating me."
"Sam, come on. You know he loves you. It was just his spur of the moment comment during the fight."
"I know and I love him too. It just makes me so angry when he says stuff like that."
"Yeah but it's nothing to end y'all's relationship over."
"You're right."

"I can't believe she would even say something like that to me. I hate to see her angry at me and I hate being angry at her but uggghhh what she said just pissed me off."
"I understand Matty but you were in the wrong too. I mean yes both of our girlfriends can be very conceited from time to time but it's nothing we ever stop loving them for."
"You're right it just pisses me off so much that what she said just rolled off her tongue like it was nothing."
"She loves you, you love her everything will work out in the end."
"God I hope so, I can't imagine my life without her."
"It will I'm sure of it. But if you ever tell her or Kam that I called them conceited, she'll be imagining her life without you."
"Haha, I won't I saw what almost happened the last time you pissed Kam off and I thought I was gonna die too."
"That was scary. Are you ready to talk to her about it, Kam just told me we've got thirty minutes before we stop for lunch and I am not afraid to separate you two like children if you want to act that way."
"I'll be cool. I just hope that she will be too."

Based on a not so true story. {hiatus}Where stories live. Discover now