"I don't need to buy that dress"

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Life takes gruesome turns, and sometimes, there's nothing you can do to avoid it. Stop it. Sometimes it's just inevitable. You can't save the people you want to. You can't give what you promised yourself you would. But it's okay. We are all here to learn. Just sometimes, the price it costs is unbearable. I never thought my life would change so drastically. Sitting by the burning logs, the fire flakes were somewhat rhythmed with my thoughts. I could feel the silence around me growing thicker. It was somewhat calm. Haunting calm. The realization hits harder than I can handle, harder than anyone could, I think. What's gone is gone. What's done is done. I refuse to accept it. I will do whatever I can to bring him back. Anything I can. Everything I can.


"Zain, zain open the door!" The overly dramatic boy takes ages to respond!
"I'm coming Sarah. No need to break that door" And as usual, he didn't open the door. Why do I even bother? "I'm going back to my room. Tell Sadaf whenever you're ready"
Not waiting for the usual 'Mhm', I returned to my room. Might as well make use of some minutes I got. There was the book lying on the pillow, one I'd been trying to complete for the past few days.
"Sarah? We've been waiting for you" Sadaf's head was poking through my door. Barely completing a chapter, I place the bookmark in and left the room, taking the book with me "Just in case".
Oh, and by the way, if you're wondering what this is all about, it's our shopping day today. To the Bazar with Zain, my brother, and Sadaf, my best friend. I'm the princess of Seharistan. Life was going great, when the only things I had to complain about were Zain cutting himself off, Sadaf burning my favorite dress, or being forced to wear gowns on balls and meetings. Wish things could've stayed that way.
"If you don't buy this on spot Sarah, I will sue you for having the worst color taste" This annoying person keeps elbowing me. How do you deal with annoying people? Other than murdering them?
"For the trillionth time Sadaf, you can buy anything you think is pretty JUST LET ME FINISH THIS I NEED TO FINISH IT" and I hate it when no matter how annoyed I am, her lips are stretched further and the sparkle in her eyes shines brighter.
"but you need to see it for yourself too. Don't come crying to me when your father forces you to wear this masterpiece next ball. Gosh everyone's gonna drool!"
"I SAID TO NEVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT" I whispered-screamed at her, to no avail, unfortunately. Zain was around with his guards, getting his stuff.
"Just get done with the dresses and head over to that old bookstore we saw last time" Shushing at her, I pulled my cloak further over my head. Don't normally like to receive special "Attention", you get what I mean?
"You should give me a yearly award for being the most fun best friend. You could've died of extreme boredom 3 years ago. And yes, we'll take it. It should be a crime to leave something so beautiful. Please do keep updating me whenever fresh and gorgeous treasure arrives. You know how much we adore your lovely products" Innocently ignoring my glares, she turned to the shopkeeper.
And that's just how any normal day in my life flies by. Time sure is sneaky, especially when you're living peacefully. I think all of you deserve an explanation, I sound a bit absurd.
I'm Sarah Ryan, princess of Seharistan. Sadaf's my best maid and friend, and Zain's my brother. I used to have a 2nd brother and a sister too. Let's leave that story for another time. I like reading books and I don't like small talks with strangers and boys I don't like. That is pretty much it, who I am. Just another girls who likes to live in a faraway world more than the real one.
Maybe you will get to know more about me. As you are trying to learn my story, what happened to me, and what I decided to do. Maybe someday, you will be able to describe me in better words. Know me better, or more clear than I do myself. But you are a long way from there friend, a long way. 


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I'm dead guys. Don't ask what happened, or what's happening atm. Pray for me pls, I really need it. My life just drastically change a lot too. Hope all of you are having great lives!!

Word count: 834

I'll try to get back and explain sometime, where I was and everything that's been up. Until then, Allah Hafiz!!

(p.s. the book cover and the banner are actually irl pics of stuff I drew, and some quotes. Tudaloo!)

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