chapter 2

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Jay slowly steps out, flashlight in hand, to try and see better in the dim lighting. Moral and Lexx doing the same, a little further behind and more hesitant.

They slowly walked up the path to the creaking gate of a small village.
Jay opened the gate carefully and began to walk ahead of the rest.

To the left of the gate was a huge church very old and run down. cobwebs and dust covering its interior.
To the right 3 small buildings and a statue of some sorts.
The group turned to the right first dodging puddles and mud of all sorts although it was nearly impossible.

Until they got to the statue. There was a skull on the statue, seemingly, a human skull.
Lexx and Moral stared at each other for a second in confusion. Then both turned back to touch it. As soon
as the skull and their hands met the two were met with the glowing eyes of the skull.

Shocked and confused by the matter, Lexx and Moral both stepped back and turned to Jay "That can't be good, can it?"
Moral said shakily.
"Lets...Keep moving you guys."
Jay whispered under his breath and began to walk forward. Suddenly a figure coming out of nowhere started walking into one of the houses.

Moral yelled grabbing at Jay's sweater.
Jay put his hand over Moral's
mouth and put his arms around their shoulders.
Lexx slowly took out the camera and took a picture of the man.

he was mysterious. A bag over his head with "x"s over his eyes and a rope around his neck to hold it together.
Barely cloths of clothing dirty and loose on his body.
The three of them stood in shock of what just happened.

end of chapter 2

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