Chapter 5

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He took her two more times, staying on top of her after each round to regain his breath before starting again. Sakura was forced to lie still the entire time, her mind back in Konoha, back in her warm safe bed.

But every now and again she felt him bite her and she was once again yanked back to the present.

Sakura understood now why he had gone to such lengths to heal her: he wanted her body healthy enough to be used.

She felt the pain of his actions and despite her pride, the pain of his words.

" I'm just your whore now?" she had asked him when her voice came back to her -when he let it go back to her, after he'd climaxed inside her.

She could hear the sadism in his voice when he answered; the cruel condescending smirk that undoubtedly spread across his lips flitted one last time across his lips: "Why not?"

And with that he left her.

He visited her frequently after that. No words were ever exchanged as he hiked up her clothes and pushed her down onto the mattress. He didn't have to even use his sharingan over her because she'd stopped fighting him soon enough. Merely resorting to turning her head away and thinking of something else while he grunted above her. She stopped because she knew things went faster this way: the sooner he got what he wanted, the quicker he left her.

Sometimes, he stayed the night if he visited her late enough. Those times were the worst for Sakura because he forced her to sleep with him, literally, with his arms and legs wrapped possessively around her body. He kept her pinned throughout the entire night and she was never able to really sleep because of this. Not that he cared, he only wanted her close in case he woke up in the middle of the night and decided to take her again. This happened much more than Sakura wanted to admit.

Soon, Sakura realized that this place was only a temporary base for Team Hebe.

Because she was left alone in the entire abandoned factory not more than a month into her captivity, Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo all being called away with Sasuke as they left for some other hideout, some other place.

Sakura couldn't leave.

The Uchiha had cast his mental control on her again and restricted her from ever stepping outside of the place without his permission or seeking out contact from anyone outside the building. The last compulsion he gave her was to stop her from hurting herself, in any shape or form, because he could see that the life's shine inside Sakura's green irises had long since seeped out.

He didn't care.

She just had to stay alive for him to get what he wanted.

Because the base had once been a factory used by Orochimaru for test subjects there were a lot of gruesome sights inside the entire place. Outside of rooms used by Team Hebe members to sleep and rest in, the entire building had skeletons, blood stains and rotting flesh inside its various rooms. The only sanctity Sakura had was that the hallways and kitchen area were all impeccably clean.

After Sasuke left her by herself, Sakura immediately tried to run out of the base but no matter how hard she thrashed inside her mind, she couldn't break out of his mental curse. Her legs had eventually collapsed beneath her from how hard she'd been trying.

All in all, Sasuke kept her imprisoned, in every sense of the word.

Her days blended into nights and Sakura soon lost count of how long she'd stayed.

"You know...who I saw today?" Sasuke asked gutturally in between grunts as he thrust into her, the covers dangling off his back and draping around her as she was pinned beneath him.

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