final chapter.

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3 weeks later
As I drive to school with kensey sitting next to me I remember, this is one of my last days of senior year.
Two more to go.
Kensey's jamming out with her headphones on. I let myself smile.
We pull into the school parking lot next to Christina's car. Four comes up behind me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.
Lunch rolls around and I'm starving.
Luckily seniors have half days for the last week.
" panera?" Asks Christina.
" totally."
After lunch I head back home.
I get changed into my workout clothes and run about a mile.
And I reliaze, I need to pick out a graduation dress.
Christina and ashley have there's.
I take a quick shower, apply my makeup, curl my hair and put on a crop top that " live in the now." With my high waisted shorts.
And I call Christina.
" mall In 10? I need a dress for graduation."
" sure!" She says.
As I walk into the store with Christina we head to the dress section.
And I see the dress, it's Tiffany blue with silver sparkles.
I try it on and fall in love.
And I buy the dress.

It's the last day of school and gradation, the entire high school has a half day.
But us seniors can stay home to get ready.
I jump in the shower.
I blow dry my hair and start putting on my makeup.
Kensey got to skip today.
I curl my hair and put on my dress.
I can believe it.
It's here.
I can see kensey trying to hold back tears. She smiles.
As I walk down the stairs my mom and dad pull me into a hug.
" you did it hon." My mom says.
I try not to cry.
" ready to go?" My parents ask.
I nod my head and make my way out to the car.
As we walk into the school I find four.
" boo." I say
He laughs and turns around and kisses me.
" you look amazing." He says.
" thank you, and thank you again haha."
" you ready to give your speech?" He asks me.
" totally."
After about 15 minutes it's my turn to give my speech.
" good luck," whispers Christina.
I smile and head up to the stage.
And I begin my speech.
" I remember when I was little, always dreaming of going to collage and high school. It hasn't been an easy path for me. But I've found my best friends who have been by my side through it all, my parents but most importantly, my sister. She's taught me how to love myself and be brave. And she's helped me through it all. And remember no far your path takes you, you'll always end up back home."
Everyone claps, even some people stand up.
After we all get our diplomas we take one last look around and head out.
After graduation party's four comes over.
We walk down the boardwalk.
" thank you four, for everything, you've been my best friend and I can't thank you enough, you've saved me so many times , and I'll never forget anything."
" I love you tris and don't forget that, even though we might not go to the same collage, I love you."
He places something around my neck.
It's a necklace with a bird in the middle and a little piece that says " be brave."
" I love you so much." He says.
" I love you too, no matter what."

13 weeks later-
" I'm gonna miss you babe" four says
I wipe my tears.
" I didn't think this would be this hard." I say.
He wraps his arms around me and kisses me.
" I'll call you as much as I can, okay?"
I nod my head." Okay." I say
He kisses me one last time and the hug feels like forever.
" I love you." I say.
" I love you too, I'll see you soon." He says and heads off.
I wave slowly and try not to cry.
And I can't believe I'm heading to collage today.
I take one good look around and head out the door.
My parents lead the way and I drive with kensey.
As we get to the school we unpack my things.
I meet my roommate and she's the sweetest and nicest person.
And it's time for goodbyes.
My parents say goodbye and leave me with kensey.
" kens, come out when your done okay?" My dad says
She nods.
I wrap her into a hug.
" I'm gonna miss you, so much ." She says with tears streaming down her face.
" I'm gonna miss you too."
Soon she leaves.
I stare out my window looking at the sunset,
" it's been a long day without you four, and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again." I think to myself.
We'll be seeing each other in a month.
But now I know,
With people that have stood by my side, I can always be brave and no matter what, you'll never forget the memories you have.

The end.

wow, I cried while writing this.
Thank you so much for all the support!
And maybe I'll be making a sequel?!
Love you all 💕
be brave
- divergentchlo

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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