Shower Thoughts

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Gabriel sat up and looked to his side to see his lovely fiancée, yet she wasn't lying next to him. He blinked, thinking Nicky was probably out in her little book room, reading. He sat up and cracked his neck before getting off the bed and shuffling to the restroom to take a quick shower and brush his teeth.

Gabriel yawned and started up the shower, removed his clothing and stretched. He was still a bit tired yet he knew he had to get up, not to mention his stomach was killing him due to hunger. Gabriel set up his phone and started playing music before he turned the shower head on and adjusted it to the right temperature to satisfy his needs.

Knock knock...

Gabriel smiled and shook his head before opening the door and looking up and down at his future wife.

Nicole looked at Gabe and rolled her eyes playfully. " Stop staring, get in the shower, I need to brush my teeth. " Nicole said softly before Gabriel pulled her in the bathroom with him and started to pull on her clothes.

" Why don't you shower with me, my love? " Gabriel asked in his smooth voice. He smirked as he saw Nicky's cheeks redden.

Nicky tensed her jaw and closed her eyes, taking in a breath. " We both know what would happen if I did. " She muttered as she opened her eyes and looked at Gabriel, in his eyes there was a twinkle of lust in them.

" And? " He pressed.

Nicky suppressed a small laugh as she rolled her eyes at him. " And you used to call ME the horndog. " She said with a giggle.

" Well you were! " He huffed and wrapped his arms around Nicole's waist and slid his hands into her back pockets.

" Oh, shut up! " Nicky said before squealing as Gabe smirked and teasingly squeezed.

" Come on baby! You know you want to! " Gabriel said before blinking and taking his hands out of her pockets. He stepped back and it was like he changed entirely. " Unless you're uncomfortable with it, then I won't force you. " He added.

Nicky smiled at him and shook her head before pulling off her shirt and shimmying out of her jeans. She laughed when Gabe whistled before rolling her eyes as Gabe lifted his hand, and rotated his index finger in a circle to signal he wanted Nicky turn for him.

Nicky made a face at him before slowly turning with her hands up as if she were being arrested. She looked over her shoulder at him, finishing her twirl, and scoffed.

" Happy now? Horndog. " She said in her mocking voice.

Gabriel made a face at Nicky that told her to hush up. Nicky wouldn't give in that easily. She leaned forward with a smile and whispered " Make me. "

Gabriel raised his eyebrows and smiled at her before using his index finger and middle finger to signal Nicole to come to him. She licked her lips and bit her lip before removing the rest of her undergarments.

Gabriel stepped into the shower and stepped back so his lover could join him in the shower. Once she was in, Gabriel grabbed her chin and kissed her. Nicky shivered as the warm water hit her back before she kissed back and teasingly bit on Gabe's lip.

" Oh, Baby, don't play with me like that. It's too much of a risk for you right now. " He warned with a smile.

Nicky just laughed and reached around Gabe to grab her shampoo. She grabbed Gabe's hands with her other hand and squeezed some of her shampoo into his hands. " Do it for me? " She asked innocently as she turned her back to him and leaned her head back.

Gabriel smiled and rubbed his hands together before sinking his fingers into Nicole's hair and started to apply the soap. Here and there Nicky would let a groan pass her lips to signal that she found this very relaxing.

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