• it's only the beginning.

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"Monica! Can you come here please!" Derrick shouted from
down the hall in his home office. I knew it would be nothing but complaining coming from him, but in order to stop him from complaining more, I just went to him as asked.

"Yes Derrick?" I asked giving a tad bit of an attitude when I walked in his office. I knew I shouldn't have done it, but he's been calling my name all morning long.

"What's up with the attitude? Don't make me break your fucking neck," he said with a stern look, like he sas staring into my soul. "Now, did you do all the things in preparation for my pastoral anniversary?"

I can never catch a break with him, it was always about him, did I do this for him, can I do that for him, when was it gonna be about Monica?

"Yes Derrick, I have everything set up for your 5th Anniversary, would you like to know the details?" I replied in a sarcastic tone, if only I had used my good senses that day.

"You must think I'm playing with you," He said laughing as he got up. "See, I've been trying to be nice to you ever since that last hit you took.. but you just don't learn do you?"

Derrick was the type to do things in private that he wouldn't even imagine doing in public. See in public, he was Rev. Dr. DJ Carter, Pastor of New Bethel AME, but when he's home, he's just Derrick the Dickhead.

"Earth to Monica?" He said snapping his fingers in my face. "What the fuck are you thinking about that has you ignoring me? I've told you multiple times I am not to be ignored Monica!"

I was afraid for my life, but I didn't show it, because Derrick always said that fear is a weakness, and he hates weak people. I just replied the only way he say befitting, "Yes sir, I promise it won't happen again."

"You bet your pretty little ass it won't, now get the fuck out my office before I break your fucking jaw." He said sitting back in his brown leather chair at his desk in front of the fireplace. One day I'll make it my mission to push him in the fire and watch him burn to death, but for now, all I can do is what he asked of me.

When I got back to the living room, I heard my phone ringing and I jumped thinking it would be somebody important that would call me and get me out the house, but instead it was my Mother, First Lady Emerita Vera Jenkins, Former First Lady of New Bethel AME.

"Hello Mother, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked, hoping she would find my tone appropriate and acceptable for a lady.

"Well hellooo Darling, how are you? I haven't talked to you since the last I've saw you on Sunday." My mother replied in her typical snobby voice.

"I'm well Mother, how are you and Father doing?" I asked, hoping the conversation wouldn't last too long due to my household duties.

"Oh you're Father and I are doing fine Darling, just returned from our trip to Israel for the Anniversary before heading to London." Mother said bragging about her many travels as normal. Mother and Father were always the traveling type, they could never stay put ever since me and Malcolm were younger, but they're my parents.

"That's well Mother, well I have to go, being a wife is hard work as I'm sure you know of" I said laughing. "Well Darling you won't work hard until you have children, when am I going to become a grandmother, it's high time you and Derrick start trying."

"Mother we are trying, but it's all about God's timing and not mine, so I'm following in the path he leads me in." I know my mother wouldn't go against anything that I say that involves the Lord, she's too spiritual for that.

"Well I suppose you're right, well I'll let you get going Darling, Tata!" Mother said hanging up before I could even say bye.

"MONICA! WHY DON'T I SMELL ANY FOOD COOKING?!" Derrick yelled once again from his office.

"IM SORRY SIR! I'LL GET RIGHT TO IT!" I replied in a loud tone before I rushed into the kitchen and started preparing his breakfast. I can truly say, I'll do anything for my husband.


"It is 9:30am, who could possibly be calling my phone?" I said stressed to the fact that it's too damn early.

"WHO THE FUCK IS CALLING ME AT 9:32AM?!" I yelled through the phone as soon as I answered.

"I know that isn't Shawn Franklin White talking to his Mother like that? I just know that isn't who just answered the phone?" Lord have mercy, if it isn't my first love and pain in the ass all in one, my Mother, Regina White. Lord knows I love that lady, but she gets on my damn nerves.

"Sorry Momma, but look at the time, can't you call back later?" I asked still half sleep. My mother knows I am not a morning person, yet she still does the same thing every Saturday and Sunday.

"Shawn, are you going to church with me and your sisters tomorrow? It's Pastor Carter's 5th Anniversary and you know I'm the Chairwoman of the Deaconess Board, and I dare not be embarrassed to the fact that my whole family isn't there! Excluding my Late Husband and your father, Deacon James White, Lord knows I miss that man." My mother said just going on for minutes rambling.

"Yes ma'am, I will be there" I said slowly trying to reassure myself. "Momma I said I'll do better with this church thing, and I mean it, I'll be there."

"You better be there Shawn, before I put my foot somewhere that the light doesn't shine! I mean it boy! Be there or thats your ass! BYE!" She said hanging up so abruptly. I didn't even tell her I loved her before she hung up.

Not even two minutes later..


"OH MY FUCKING GOD WHO IS IT?!" I yelled while throwing pillows around the room while getting up. I walked to the door and had to repeat myself. "WHO THE FUCK IS IT?!" I said opening the door.

I didn't wanna believe it, but it was Cierra, my girlfriend who I hadn't talked to in weeks because I told her I wouldn't give her the money she needed for her beauty salon.

"Yes Cierra? What you doing here?" I asked leaning on the door. "Boy move, don't fucking play with me Shawn, what else am I doing here?" She said walking in like she owned the place.

I shook my head and closed the door, "It's only the beginning of the day."


I took Derrick his food but yet again, he's never satisfied.

"Monica what the fuck is this- you know what- just get the fuck out now." He said pointing to the door.

"Yes sir." I said turning and leaving. Lord give me the strength, I don't know how much more I can handle.

"It's only the beginning of the day Lord, I need your strength today, in your Son's name I ask, Amen." I said before continuing with the rest of my housewife duties.

The Pastor Doesn't Have To KnowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora