Chapter 3

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I struggled to walk in this all-leather outfit as we descended the stairwell in another queue -since it could only fit one person at a time- as one of the two guards walked ahead, leading us to what I suppose is the dining area.

At the bottom of the staircase, the other guard was waiting, and just like robots: they both united, standing side by side, and in silence, they moved forward, leading us down another excessively-lit hallway.

The end of the hall connected directly to a room that looked too small to be called a 'dining area'. During the bizarre situation that had happened upstairs, I failed to notice any details about the room, but now that I face the same grim decor once more, my brain seems to recall it all too well.

Though this room wasn't lit by only one light bulb that hung down its middle, the two bar-led lights attached to both ends of the ceiling dimly illuminated the space, making my eyes yearn for the light outside.

It's like they're trying to suffocate us...

I turned to walk outside: away from this dark room, but to my disappointment, the guards had already moved to stand by the open door. One of them gripped the much too familiar knob, and while looking directly into my eyes as if in mockery, he pulled the metal door shut.

The place got darker as the closed door swallowed the light that could barely even reflect off those ugly, faded grey walls. Anxiety swirled around my mind as I got stuck inside the same scenery I was glad to escape only moments ago.

I thought it would be a while until I had to face this darkness again...

I was deep into trying to calm myself down when I jumped as another alarm blared through the room, followed by the shrieks and hisses of everyone else. My hands rushed to press against my ears, and I tried to shift my focus on the sound of the hammering beats of my heart rather than that deafening blast

In a few tormenting seconds, the alarm stopped leaving a faint ringing in its wake, for it to quickly be replaced by the sound of plates rattling. I followed the noise, looking to my right to find six metal, rectangular machines pushing our breakfast plates out holes at their top.

I glanced at Matt, who stood next to me, hoping for an explanation, but he just shrugged. I averted my gaze back to the machines on top of which laid the plates, then to my back at the guards: waiting for their announcement, but they just stood still, looking directly ahead of them.

Guess they only give time announcements...

After a few minutes of silence, Matt took the first step toward the machines looking at me; as a signal to follow. I stretched my hand for Troy to grab, and I followed behind, hearing the footsteps behind me increase as we all made our way to grab a plate before moving to the metal table that extended through the middle of the room.

Matt, troy, and I squished our way between the wall and the row of three chairs on one side of the table, taking a seat with me in the middle as the other three took a seat on the opposite row of chairs.

I set the plate in front of me as I looked around at everyone else's; we all shared the same meal. I sighed, staring at the content of my plate, poking at the limp piece of broccoli that sat along some soggy veggies before I slowly pushed the plate away.

"The food looks as dull as this place." Matt spoke out my thoughts. "They didn't even season the eggs." Troy added, spitting the piece he had in his mouth onto his plate.

I wanted to tell him to have something to eat before we have to face whatever they plan to put us through, yet how could I convince him when I couldn't even bear looking at the food myself... 

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