Chapter 11 | It's okay

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FILHARMONIA NARODOWA; the name of the establishment is emblazoned on the horizontal stone slab, perched on top of the row of high columns. This style of building is different from the ones they have visited so far. The newer design offers a fresh sight for the eyes, which Maddie appreciated - not that she really needed any when Twoset has been blessing her with their physical presence.

"Come on, let's see what show is on." Brett takes her hand and sprints towards the Philharmonic.

"Oy!" Eddy runs after them.

They approached the entrance and sees the poster displayed on the wall;

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They approached the entrance and sees the poster displayed on the wall;

Sala Koncertowa Filharmonii Narodowej

Jakub Pankowiak - Organy

Feliks Nowowiejski - "Passacaglia" (1931)

Brett points at a familiar word, "Ooh an organ recital."

"As in pipe organ? I've never seen one before!" Maddie gleaned at the schedule, "But session one is not until the evening."

Eddy pokes the two and motions them to look at a group of friends who just bought tickets to the show, "Let's see where they're going to wait."

So the three followed them down to the metro station, having no clue what adventure they're signing up for. But it's an exciting change since they have just been teleporting all over the place all this time. While sitting in the metro, they can overhear the group speaking in English, and apparently the course they're headed to is the Warsaw Old Town.

 While sitting in the metro, they can overhear the group speaking in English, and apparently the course they're headed to is the Warsaw Old Town

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Three stops later they all descended to the destined station, emerging in the finest and most picturesque part of Warsaw - The Old Town. It's lined with cobblestone alleys and reconstructed medieval buildings. The town square, bustling with tourists, is rimmed with wealthy bourgeoisie houses and Polish restaurants.

"Oh my goodness," Maddie gazes around, taking a full 360 view of the location, "it's so beautiful..."

"I think the group we followed said they're going to check out the Royal Castle." Eddy said, facing a grand structure with a clock tower at its center.

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