Chapter Thirty One.

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Chapter Thirty One

THE FIRST DAY of school was something Sydney always looked forward to

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THE FIRST DAY of school was something Sydney always looked forward to. She liked picking out her outfit the day before and getting glammed up the the next morning. She liked seeing her friends that she didn't see over the summer.  But now,  she wanted to do nothing but stay home in bed and sulk.  She didn't want to face Miguel.  She was afraid to.  She had a bad feeling about today and you always trust your gut. 

Unfortunately,  Sydney didn't have a choice because Sam was still at her house.  It was six in the morning and Sydney woke up to Sam throwing up in the trash can by the bed.  "Morning sunshine."  She said flatly.

Sam groaned.  "Don't ever let me drink again."

"I'll keep that in mind,"  Sydney muttered and lazily slipped out of bed.  "Sober up and take a shower.  I'll drive you home so you can ready for school."

"Wait,  Syd,"  Sam stopped her and got out of the bed.  She struggled to keep her balance. 

Sydney crossed her arms and waited for her to say something.

"I'm sorry about last night,"  Sam apologized.  "I was pissed off at Tory and I took it out on you and I shouldn't have."

Sydney nodded aggressively.  "Yeah, you shouldn't have. Y'know Sam, I'm getting really tired of you getting mad at me for your mistakes."

Sam cocked her head back and furrowed her brows. "What does that mean?"

"It means I'm tried of being your punching bag," Sydney said and uncrossed her arms. "I've been trying really hard to change.  To be a better person."

Sam nodded quickly.  "You are!  And I'm really proud of you."

"Then stop treating me like a bad person and blaming everything on me when you get upset!" Sydney raised her voice. "You and Tory's drama is not my drama. I'm not choosing sides so stop accusing me of it!"

"Sydney, I'm sorry," Sam said again.  "It's just. . . I don't know why you're friends with her!"

"Tory's not a bad person,  Sam!" Sydney yelled.

"Are you serious?"  Sam exclaimed.  "She tried pushing me at the roller rink,  she tried getting me drunk so that she could win a stupid game,  and she's been terrorizing me since she got here!"

"Because you started it!"  Sydney shouted making Sam flinch.  "You accused her of stealing from your mom and you pushed her at the roller rink and made her almost get fired!  You don't know how to leave well enough alone,  Sam,  and you only ever think about yourself!"

Sam was silent.  Her eyes were wide.

"I love you Samantha, okay? You've been my best friend since we were little and I would do anything for you. I do everything for you and sometimes I feel like you don't appreciate it."

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