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Have you ever seen a women for the first time and suddenly time stops around her and it also feels like electricity swim through your body? Well if you have good for you lucky bastard. i want to tell you have i met the love of me life by mistake, if you believe in fate or destiny well the this isn't the story for you.


It was a stressful and storminess evening for Modelin, He just got off a very long day at work and driving towards his way and suddenly his stomach growl of hunger, as he grip his stomach with with left hand while squeezing the wheel of his car, As he drove the stormy road, He saw a restaurant that He never seem or heard of and decided to pull in the parking lot, As He look around modelin notice that the restaurant didn't have a drive thru, He wrinkled his forehead and yelled "FUCK". Modelin chose to go inside because his stomach was yelling very angerly, As he walks in through the doors he notice the inside of the restaurant look just like danny's, modelin walked up to the casher and said
"do you have any big one person meal" casher reply "yes would you like to order it " modelin reply gladly  "yes please" casher reply with a smile "have a seat in one those empty and your food will be ready in 10". As he sat down and listen to his cry, He pick his head and ladies and gentlemans THAT WHEN HE SAW HER for the very first time, Modelin forgot all about his hunger and put all his forces on her. As his eyes grew large and his heart races and Modelin of a million way to approach her, He betted himself to walk over there and talk to her. As he walk slowly with a highly strung look on his face, As he walk towards her he slipped on spilled juice and struck her on her butt as he falls down, She turned around very angerly and saw Modelin on the floor and her emotions changed quickly and smile as he bend her knees in her very seductive tight dress. As he help him up she said "oh my god are you ok" As modelin hold her soft little hands while getting up he choked up and fell in love right away with her sexy lush body and those tempting lips, As he looks at her with love in his eyes, his mind decided to speak and as he open his mouth to say something, this chunky hippy guy rap his arm around her neck and said "ahhh ahhh dude you should've seen your little noodle leg wobbled while you slipped on water on the floor" while he laugh loudly as more people turns there heads. soon as he said that its like everything around modelin started moving normal speed again. She look at the dude and said "babe it's rude to laugh when some- oh my fucking god are you drunk already" dude reply with a drunk voice and said "no ahhhh ahhhh ahhh who's these guy" just before he past out and fell on Modelin and they both fell and while they were falling i don't if Modelin did this on purpose but his and hand on her butt again and he grip it while was falling. she said "Jesus Christ I am sooo sorry his always drunk and do stupid shit like this" while she pick up the dude of Modelin, Modelin reply while his holding her hands and getting up off the floor once again "it's ok if deal worse then this oh hold up let me help you pick him put" she reply with the most beautiful smile Modelin ever seem "thank you so much and again im so sorry about this, can please help me move him out to me my car?" "it's ok, ya sure no problem where's your car?" modelin reply while he pick the dude up and rap his arm around modelin neck and struggle to walk toward the doors. when they arrive towards he opened the car doors then Modelin push the dude in the car and closed the door. She smiled and said once again "im so sorry. Are really ok he fell on you pretty hard"--- "nahhh am cool it's ok" but he know damn well that shit hurts. "so i didn't catch your name" she reply while blushing "ivana"-- "huh"-- she reply slowly "i said I v a n a" He smile and said "wow it sound more beautiful the second time you said. ummm i know his your boyfriend and all but I wouldn't feel right leaving you here without umm getting your number." she reply with a big smile and said "why" -- "well i just wanna make sure get home safely wouldn't someone as beautiful as you get stuck in the rain" she reply while blushing "good enough reasons for" after she gave him her number the asshole in the car was waking and she said "im sorry I have to talk him home but am really looking forward to you checking if I get home " while she blushes she got in the car and rolled down the window and said "hey i didn't catch your name" Modelin reply with a smile "you can call me MO and if you wanna know my real name you could talk about it when I check up on you tonight"  while he winked at her. she pulled off and Modelin walk back in the restaurant with a beam of smile on his face and the casher saw Modelin and said "sir your meal is ready" and immediately Modelin remembered how hunger he was while his stomach start to yell again.


I'm gonna tell you how i killed the boyfriend of my crush just to be with her..... I'm just joshing, but imagine if I really did that for a girl, You can't tell but I'm laughing right now cause you dumb as fu-- aaheem, sorry I got off track there, but I am gonna tell you how my crush fell in love with me.... 

Remember when I told you how Modelin met this beautiful thick chick at this fake ass denny's but we not gonna speak on that, Remember her jackass boyfriend that got drunk on apple juice-oh right, I didn't tell you guy's that, just know that dude can't hold his juice- Now let me tell you how happy He was to go home and check up on her, He had this feeling of love and warm and Modelin most definitely felt lucky on my way home. Modelin finally got home and park my car in the drive way and speed my way into my house, As he walk up to the front porch, he reach in my pocket for my key and he notice that my keys wasn't in my, he rush right away back to his car, As he tried to open up his car doors he notice that his car is locked and his key are in there. Modelin chose to locksmith, After the call his remembered he have to call her. Modelin heart race as if he was in danger, He said "fuck it" and called her, As the phone rings Modelin bite his lips and nervously sat down on his curd side, she picked up the phone and modelin could hear her smile before she talk.

"Hey....... I almost thought that you wasn't gonna call me"

"Come now.... I had to know if my future ex wife made it home"


"yes princess"

''Stooop it.... you know the I have a boyfriend"

"And I don't but speaking of that dick how is he doing"

"He's still passed out and why are you interested in me knowing that I have a boyfriend"

"come is that a trick question, you are beautiful sexy thick and hopeful smart"

"Its been a long time since I got a complement even from my boyfriend"

"you deserve so much more then that dick, you deserve to be loved and sw-- oh sorry the locksmith guys are here can I call you back  "

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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