Chapter 1

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"Xien Wood was reported missing last night. The police suspects it was 'The K' again."
The news lady said through the tv screen.

"Turn it off." The woman from the kitchen demanded "Sorry,mum" the teenager changed the channel to a kids show earning a sigh of satisfaction from the woman.

"Kaito,what if The K kidnaps me?" The small young girl asked the teenager next to her "Don't be silly. I will protect you!"
"Promise?" The little girl questioned again

"Promise!" He confirmed, starting to tickle her earning bunch of giggles.
He stopped tickling her,both of them laughing "Kids,Bed time" the previous woman said,turning the tv off

"Cmon Lisebeth,Time to go to bed before the ghosts get you!" He said picking her up and running  upstairs

He closed the bedroom door of the girl,walking towards his own.
"Kaito." He turned around facing his mother
"Yes mom?" He questioned raising a brow at her.  There was a moment of silence before she replied "Nevermind. Goodnight dear"  she smiled at him

"Night mom"he smiled back entering the room and closing the door.

. . . . .

"Hey Guys" Kaito waved towards his friends

Hey kaito" the male with blonde hair and
Light purple eyes smiled at him

"'Sup" the other one said

"Where are the othe-" before kaito finished he was interrupted by bunch of teenagers screaming 'FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!'

They all rushed there,squeezing through the crowd

You think you're tough huh? I'll beat you before you even blink" the ginger hair said towards her opponent

"Then do it"

Unless you're scared?" She finished smiling at her, angering the ginger.

"What's wrong Melanie? Cat got your tongue?" She fake-pouted ,suddenly the ginger threw a punch at the other girl. But she easily dodged it,kicking the girl in the face.

Melanie tried to get up but she was stopped by a punch. The girl sat on her stomach,abruptly punching her face non-stop.

The crowd got bigger and the cheering got louder. Everyone yelled 'fight' or 'Woo'.
The teachers squeezed through the crowd,getting the girl off the other one dragging her towards the office.
Kaito and his friends walked back to there classes,on the way talking about the fight

"Piaryah is so cool!" Kaito stated, fangirling like a girl that just got her elsa doll.

"I don't see anything special " the boy with glasses shrugged, pushing his glasses
"Shut up Pero! You're never interested in something "

"I am,im interested in her sister " he sighed "kiru?aren't you guys dating or something?" "Yes,yes we are now shut up."

OoOH iM sO scARed!" Shoyo made a fake dramatic expression

"You guys are idiots." Kaito said breaking their fight.  They entered the classroom,sitting at their assigned places.

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The white haired female ran towards the male,hugging him tightly

"C-can't breath-" "Oh! Sorry" she chuckled, letting go of him. She placed a kiss on his cheek then turned around walking to her friends. When she walked away,pero wiped the place where she kissed him and followed .

"Hey Guys" Kaito greeted the rest.
"Hey" the girl with short light brown hair greeted him
Kaito felt his cheek heat up and sat next to her.

"Kaito and Max,sitting under a tree..k-i-s-s-i-" "shut it Anika." Max warned the girl.

Anika giggled looking at Pero before looking back at the rest. Pero smiled at her,fixing his hair.

"Soo..what now?"Kiru tried to start a conversation,trying to ignore Anika and Pero.

" ide-" "HEY LEE!!" Kiru interrupted Anika not wanting to hear her at the moment  instead she waved at the person

"Who's that? Wait..isn't he the new student?" The girl with long dark brown hair questioned "Yeah SHE is the new student Nance!" Kiru corrected her

Nance smiled mumbling 'sorry'
Kiru smiled in return and waved again towards Lee getting her attention.

She walked towards them, sitting awkwardly next to kiru.
"Kiru. Who is this?" Pero asked while glaring at her. "This is Lee,gosh stop being so 'protective ' you make me regret my life decisions." She replied crossing her arms. Everyone in the group laughed expect for Pero.

Kiru reminded herself something and whispered in Lee's ear. Everyone looked confused but continued their own thing.

Lee whispered back,Kiru nodded.
"I will be back at next break" she rushed out of the cafeteria, but out of sudden Pero followed her.

"I have a bad feeling" Anika laughed
Kaito looked at her with a 'are you serious ' expression and sighed.


The ginger looked at the direction "my,my Kiru! What a nice suprise" "hey hey" Kiru smiled giving her a highfive "so i dont know if you heard but someone called your sister a  Let's go?"

Melanie smirked and nodded.
"Kiru!" Kiru groaned "not again.. Yes,Pero?" She mumbled the first part.
"What are you doing with..her"  " it's none of your business!" "It is my bussines, im your boyfriend!" He snapped

"Boyfriend?" She questioned
"You aren't acting like a boyfriend! You follow me,I can't hang out with anyone because you don't allow me,keep me like im your fucking pet is that what boyfriends do?" She snapped.

"Kiru w-" "no! Leave me the fuck alone" She stormed away,Melanie glaring at him last time before following her.

Pero followed her again only to see Her and The Popular Guy,Rio hug each other.

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