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I opened the door and saw something which was unexpected tae was covered with blood. Blood was dripping from his stomach. My vision become blur due to tears. I wasn't able to control my tears they fell from my eyes. My heart ached to see taehyung in this condition. I wiped my tears and ran to tae. I hold him by his waist and kept his hand on my shoulder. With the help of tae's guard I took tae inside and made him sit on the couch.
Y/N : Wh-Wh-What had happen to him? (concern)
Guard : Ma'am boss got stabbed on stomach during the mission.
Y/N : Then why didn't you take him to the hospital
Guard : Boss told not to take him.
Y/N : Mm.....
Guard : ma'am plz treat his wounds.
Y/N :Bu-ok plz help me to take him to the bedroom.
Guard:Sure ma'am..
Then we both took Tae to our  shared bedroom. We both made him sit on the bed. He kept his head on the headboard. Tae was only staring at me without uttering a word. After helping me the guard said....
Guard : ma'am if u need any help just call me I will take my leave now.
Y/N : Thank you for helping him.
Guard : it's my pleasure. Now I am going.
Y/N : OK u can go.
The guard went. I looked back at tae. He was still staring at me. I blushed secretly. I went to take First Aid Box and came back to him. I kept the box on the bed table and took the medicine from it I bend down on the floor and started treating his wounds. I dressed all his wounds. Now I have to dress the wound on his stomach...

Till now I wasn't uttering anything. She treated all my wounds. I was just looking at her. Suddenly she stopped treating my wound. She was hesitanting to do something.
Tae : What happen? (tired+scary+cold voice)
Y/N : (flinch) H-huh?? (shuttering)
Tae : what happen? (cold)
Y/N : no-nothing (nervous)
Tae : then why are you not treating my wound.
Y/N : I-I treated all your w-ounds. But your stomach also have wou-(interrupted by tae)
Tae : So?? (raised one eyebrow)
Y/N : So-youhavetoremoveyourshirt(said in one breath)
I just looked at her she said to remove my shirt in one breath I was mentally chuckling but kept a serious face
Tae : then remove it(smirk).
Y/N : W-WHAT!! no u remove it remove it by yourself.
Tae : Is my wife shy to remove her husband's shirt?
Now I understand that u were just showing ur love and caring just for my money. They were all fake.
Y/N : NO. Why are you putting up unnecessary talks.
Tae : Then why are hesitanting.
Y/N : I can't talk and win with you I will just re-mo-ve it (hesitantly )(shuttering)
Then she removed my shirt and when she saw my toned abs she started blushing and smiling. She was really struggling to look into my eyes. She was busy hiding her smile.........

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