Im Nervous

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"Sorry if it's a little warm here" Seojoon says as he lights another fire on a torch.

"It's your place. And you're a Fire God it's very befitting" Tae tries to joke but ends up coughing in the midst of his laughter.

"Preserve your energy your weak right now." Seojoon suggests while trying to focus on the recharge of his power.

"Your one to talk." Tae says folding his arms.

Tae gets bored and takes out the rock in his pocket Seojoon gave him. The pink rose quarts still on tact even after the battle. He listens to the story it Carrie's once more.

It was a beautiful story to him. And it often made him wonder if he to could find a love like the one the rock told.

"What's on your mind little prince" Seojoon asked as he sat next to Taehyung feeling better charge to heal the rest of his wounds.

"Everyone seems to fall in love so easily and yet here I am lost in the matter." Tae says in a huff.

"What's the rush?" Seojoon asked. "I'm still here and I don't have a beloved. Just you to care for." Seojjon says with a smile as he begins to heal the wound to completion.

"Yea it has been just you and me huh?" Tae slightly chuckled.

Tae watched as Seojoon carefully placed his hand on his side. He had wondered why He never really took account of how handsome Seojoon was. His tall build was nice and his bare arms were muscular and toned. And even tho he had such a big demeanor and eyes of a dragon his spirit and soul was always kind.

Seojjon began to message the spot where the wound was making sure everything was ok. "Does it still hurt?" He asked looking Taehyung in the eyes.


"Oh I'm sure you should be fine lemme kiss the little boo boo you big baby" Seojoon giggled and peck a small kiss on the side.

"It still hurts." Taehyung says.

"Where then?" Seojoon asks now in a serious demeanor trying to see where the healing went wrong.

"Right here." He said touching his lips.

Seojoon looked him deep into the eyes wondering if he was trying to be for real or was joking. He looked at every inch on Taehyungs face looking for any slight moment that he could be joking.

"Kiss me would you." Tae asked one more time.

Seojoon hesitated. His job was to take care of Taehyung. It had been a duty given to him at a young age when Taehyung was first born. His father chose him to be his mentor and big brother. To him in some way it felt like it would be a disservice to the Earth God to do such a thing. Yet the other side of him wanted to do it so bad. He wanted to hold Taehyung in his arms forever and create every beautiful moment he could with him. Like they always did. And it not be just because it was his duty but because he did love Taehyung that much.

Taehyung grew impatient waiting on Seojoon and grabbed him by his shirt pulling him in close.

"I just want to know." Taehyung says before leaning in and kissing Seojoon fondly on the lips.

He could feel Seojoon heat up as it fell deeper into the kiss. He sat up and grabbed the back of Seojoons neck deppening the kiss even more. It felt like whe was litterally melting into Seojoon as he moved from the bed into Seojoons lap.

"Tae tae... I don't... know if we......" Seojoon said in between kisses.

"Shhh." Tae hushed before he could finish. "I'm enjoying myself. And I know you are too"


Namjoon knocked on the door to Jin's bedroom.

"Who is it?" Jin asked.

Namjoon walked in holding a plate of food in his hand. "I made you something to eat."

Jin was currently writing down some plans in his books. He had been trying to make sure all his ducks were in order before his coronation as the new emperor. He was anxious. He wanted to make sure he did everything right. It didn't help that he had to rebuild the whole kingdom due to his recent debacles with his late father.

"You cooked?" Jin asked placing his quilt down from writing.

"I know I'm not the best but if it makes you feel better one of the cooks helped me. You won't die." He chuckled placing the food in front of Jin. He pulled up a chair next to him and began to feed Jin bites of the food.

"You know the kingdom misses you. You've been cooped up in your room for a week now." Namjoon says taking a napkin to wipe Jin's cheek. "I've had to have many council talks all by myself. And I'm trying my hardest as the King to comfort our people as much as possible but in all honesty they really just want to know that their beloved prince is okay."

Jin began to fidget with his fingers a little bit. "I'm scared to face them if I'm being honest."

Jin got up from his seat and began to pace the floor.

"I'm scared of what could come of this you know. What if I'm not ready to lead the Heavens and the Earth. My father is the only example I had to follow and look what happened to him. What if I turn out just like him? It's scary to think that it's gonna be me to have to do this the right way and fix what my father has done. How can our people trust me when they trusted my father." Jin says with worry in his voice.

"Did you hear anything I said. They miss you. You are not your father. You defeated your father and became a bigger man than him. A man who knows right from wrong and will risk his life for his people. You are a warrior and worthy of your new found title. Don't doubt yourself." Namjoon says in a stern voice. Stopping his lover in his tracks. He pecks a soft kiss on Jin's forehead.

"Thank you. You always know what to say."

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