world of tomorrow

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Something to be gotten through first
Some unfinished business
Time still to be served or dept to be paid
Then life would begin
Showing its importance
Teaching the value of food
Meaning of money
Important of people
Existence of me
Where no one knows about me
To the fullest of my heart
The deepest of my soul
That's how I found myself
In time machine called life
Which takes us back called memories
Which takes us forward called dreams
Introducing a real me to the world
To desire the life for tomorrow..


Hello cupcakes..♥️♥️

Welcome back..

How was the chap..??

Do let me know your view..
Did you feel incomplete or complete or you want me to add or remove anything..

Shower your love with votes and comments.

Stay home stay safe
Meet you soon..
untill then..
Keep smiling..

Wings to my thoughts..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن