Part 5

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This update is in happiness of this ff reaching 1K reads.

and were right about the lady being Kiara and the kidnapper being Sanju.


"If you have no intention of harming us then why did you kidnap me!" shouts Kiara.

"Arrey, I love your sister so I want to marry her unfortunately I have to marry her by force as there is boy, Ranbir and he come between us one too many times," Sanju replies.

"You are a coward trying to marry my sister with a mask on, if you truly loved her then you would've let her be happy with this Ranbir and you would definitely not force her to marry you," Kiara says with a disgusted look on her face.

Sanju yells, "my love is true and you sister will be mine and mine alone and I will especially not let her marry that Ranbir and yes I am a coward but I will take off my mask though, only after I get married to your sister, Prachi."

Kiara gets shocked and thinks, I just played along to save the random girl he was talking about but how does he know that my sister is Prachi.

Sanju says, "I know what your thinking and I will give your answer."


Aryan says, "Prachi chose truth and Ranbir asked her, her first crush and she said that..."

"Kartirk was my first crush," interrupts Prachi confusing both Ranbir and Aryan and wiping Ranbir's grin off his face though Shahana remembers that Kartirk was Prachi's first and only crush before she fell in love with Ranbir.

Shahana says, "Ohh, is it the same Kartirk with whom you used to go out on dates with, allowing me to come with you but making me sit away from you guys."

Ranbir is fuming with jealously and unknowingly blurts out, a little too loudly, "what?!"

Prachi, Aryan and Shahana all looked at Ranbir with a quizzical expression.

Ranbir realising what he had said quickly says, "what are we doing talking about the past let's talk about the present or the future."

The nurse, who had just entered said, " Miss. Arora you must eat this medicine along with this haldi milk as your grandmother requested us to give to you."

Prachi sighs and thinking that it was probably Sarita Ji who the nurse was referring to says, "okay I will."

Prachi looks at the nurse expecting her to leave which she does after one minute but not before whispering something in Shahana's ear which Ranbir and Aryan heard too.

Prachi is about continue the pending conversation but gets interrupted by Ranbir who sternly says, "Prachi drink the milk."

Prachi frowns and whines, "please don't make me drink the milk I don't like it one bit." Ranbir has a hard time saying no to Prachi's puppy face and looks at Aryan and Shahana for help.

"Prachi drink the milk or....." Shahana started to say.

"Shahana if you even try to compel me to drink the milk I will reveal to the person who you like that you like them," Prachi interrupts.

Aryan asks, a little too eagerly, "who does Shahana like?"

Shahana says, hoping that the reply would be something like I like you, "why are you so eager to know?"

Aryan replies, making an excuse, "so that I can tease you about it like you tease Prachi and Ranbir."

Ranbir still has his eyes closed thinking that Prachi was still making her adorable puppy face and if he opened his eyes he knew he would be able to control himself from telling Aryan and Shahana to not to give Prachi the milk.

Shahana frowns on hearing Aryan's reply and says," fine, Prachi I will not force you to drink the milk." Prachi becomes ecstatic and wide grin appears on her face.

Soon Prachi's grin fades away as Aryan says, "Prachi drink the milk or else I'll tell Shahana what I saw when I came in this room."

Prachi finally concedes defeat for even she knew that the milk would be a better option than having to listen to Shahana teasing.

Shahana gets shocked and says, "what was happening when I came in?"

Before Aryan or Ranbir could reply Prachi says, without thinking, "do you remember when Kartirk kissed my cheek?"

Shahana replies, "Yes, I do and I also remember that a few girls were super jealous and a few guys too."

Ranbir gets annoyed and furious about the fact that Kartirk kissed Prachi's cheek, his Prachi's cheek, that right was only his. He also feels pissed about the fact that Prachi was even talking about her ex-boyfriend. Unknowingly his hands curl up into fists and he thinks when I asked Prachi whether or not she had a boyfriend before she lied then and said that she didn't have a boyfriend ever now I will give her punishment for lying to me.

Unnoticed by everyone, while Ranbir, Aryan and Shahana were pestering Prachi to drink her milk Pragya had walked in and quickly grabbed her bag and rushed out to find her long lost daughter.


Pragya was just on her way to the police station when the auto crashed into another car and she had get out to find another auto but stops in her tracks when she hears a female voice yelling, "Help, help!" For some reason Pragya felt as if the voice belonged to one of her daughters or Riya. Pragya knew that she had to go to the police station to find her eldest daughter but she could just not ignore this cry for help so she went to the abandoned factory, where the voice was coming from to help the person in need.


Ranbir messages Aryan and Shahana a plan and they both agree to it while, Prachi was continuously talking about Kartirk which just angered Ranbir as Prachi was talking about her ex as if he was some kind of superhuman or something and that she would probably go marry him right this moment if she could. Ranbir frowned at thought and silently reasons with himself, I will definitely not let you marry anyone else as you made it clear that you love me too for you didn't show any objection to being close to be me last night as you could have just pushed me away.

After 5 minutes Prachi is still talking about Kartirk and Ranbir just couldn't take anymore so he decides to execute plan early.

"Prachi I've heard enough about your ex-boyfriend now lets continue truth or dare," Ranbir interrupts, stressing on EX and discreetly signs to Aryan and Shahana to start the plan. Ranbir spins the bottle and it lands on.....

(1090+ Words) So that's enough for today.

Who did the bottle land on????

So , I know some of you are thinking that the voice Pragya heard is probably Kiara's and if your thinking that your right.

Please tell me whether or not you liked this part in the comments and if you did please vote.

Until next time!

~Riya Sharma

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