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The next day me and Beth have a massive lie in and don't end up getting out of bed until 4 in the afternoon. We decide just to order food in.

"Do you mind if I invite a couple of the Arsenal Girls?" Beth says looking through her phone.

"No its your house plus wouldn't mind meeting some of the girls before I sign," I reply with.

"OUR house. Alright it will just be Jords and Leah. Also I told them about you when I found out because I couldn't believe it and was so excited,"  Jordan says trying not to let me be mad at her.

"Sorry but yeah that's fine, just can not post it on social media though because then I would be killed by Jonas," I say not being bothered that Beth told them but I also thought about how I watched a couple of Arsenal games before I flew out here just to get an idea of the team and looked at the players but my eye caught one specific defender. Leah Williamson.

Waiting for the girls to come over, I head upstairs to get changed into some black straight ripped jeans and a white corset top then I hear the doorbell go off.

"Lotts can you open it I've got no clothes on?" she shouts at my from her room.

"Yeah sure" I shout back. I head downstairs and open the door.

Leah Williamson is stood in front of me.

"Hey you must be Lottie," she says. I know I'm being awkward by the way she says it.

..."Hi uhhh yeah or Lotts I don't mind. Your Leah right?" I say shyly 

"Yeah great to meet you. Can't wait for us to start playing together,"

"Yeah me too. Come on in," I say as I step aside to let her in. As soon as I shut the door Beth comes down. We all walk into the living room but then the doorbell goes off again so I go and open it. Whilst I'm walking back to the front door I hear Leah say something to Beth:

"God Beth you showed me pics of her but I didn't think she was this fit!"

"Leah no not happening," I hear Beth reply but thats all before I open the front door to see Jordan and I just shrug it off.

"Hey nice to meet you Im Lottie but my mates all call me Lotts. Come on in Leah and Beth are in the living room," I say as I yet again step aside from the door to let Jordan in.

"Hello I'm Jordan nice to meet the you too. Thank you," She replies with a smile and steps inside then heads into the living room. I followed her.

"Hey Jords," Beth says 

"Hey Meado. You okay there Leah looking a bit startled there?" Jordan replies with but giggles at the last bit. Leah moves her eyes from what she was previously looking at (AKA me) to Jordan at the sound of her name.

"Yeah I'm fine," Leah says. We all just sit there and make small talk about the different Arsenal players.

"Right does anyone want anything to drink?" Beth asks 

"Yes please I'll have a coke," Leah says

"Lemonade please," I say 

"Yeah I'll have a coke as well. Do you want some help?" Jordan says kindly.

"Yes please," Beth replies as they both get up and head to the kitchen

"So you excited for the signing tomorrow?" Leah asks after the couple of seconds we were left in silence.

"Yeah really am but its just going to be different you know," I reply with a smile

"Yeah I get that. The teams going to be amazing with you now" 

"Thank you but I don't think I'll really make a difference" I say trying not sound stuck up or selfish.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Jordan and Beth are talking, about the two girls in the room next-door.

"Did you see how they were staring at each other?" Jordan said but with a slightly quieter voice.

"I know. When Lotts was opening the door for you, Leah was like 'God Beth you showed me pics of her but I didn't think she was this fit' and I just said not happening" Beth says in a voice trying to mimmic Leah. 

"OMG. I remember it being just after you told us Lotts was coming and Leah was round mine. She was looking at Lotts Insta and was saying she was pretty and stuff," Jordan replies with.

"God. We should try and get them together,"

"Yeah we should. Bet they would be cute together as well," Jordan says amused. Beth and her then get the drinks and walk back into a very awkward and silent living room.

Me and Leah were sat in complete silence until they walked in.

"So what we gonna order for dinner?" Beth says to replace the silence.

"I don't mind just not anything spicy," Leah says as a joke.

"Dominoes?" Jords says

"Yeah thats fine," I say not really bothered what we have.

"What pizza then?" Beth asks going on her phone to look at the dominoes app.

"I'll just have a plain margarita please," Leah says being boring. Lol

"Yeah I'll have a pepperoni please," Jords says being a bit better than Leah but come on it still needs more flavour.

"I'll have a meat feast with chillis and jalapeños because I'm not boring like you two," I say as joke whilst looking between the two.

"I don't like spice though, my mouth does not go with it," Leah says innocently

"Not a good enough reason. What about you two, what's your reason?" I laugh

"I can do spice but not chillis AND jalapeños cos I'm not crazy," Jords says but over says 'AND'

"Yeah same reason as Jords," Beth just says knowing whatever she said I would've not allowed it.

"Liars, your all just pussys," I joke, we all just laugh.

"Well I'm going to get a pepperoni with just chillis cos I'm not crazy like Jords said," Beth adds

"Sure sure," I reply still laughing.

"Right it's going to be here in an hour. We should watch a movie whilst we wait" Beth then says after putting the order in. We all decide to watch Grease, because you know old time favourite and of course we can sing along. The dominoes delivery guy then knocks on the door with the pizza, Beth goes and gets it then brings it into the living room. We each take our own pizza and start eating it.

"OMG Lotts how do you eat the chillis and the jalapeños!" Jordan says suffering with the spice of the chillis.

"Yeah this is not what I expected," Beth adds

"And you guys call me a pussy," Leah jokes as Beth and Jords just stair at her.

"I don't see what the fuss is, the chillis and Jalapeños are fine. If you're too much of a pussy then just take them off" I say with no problem from the spice. Beth and Jords then try and take as much of the chillis off as possible. By the time the movie was finishing we were all done with our pizzas. Somehow we ended up playing Never Have I Ever but you drink if you have. 

Hope you enjoyed it and sorry if there's spelling or grammar mistakes im shit at it 

Also Jordan and Leah never had a relationship in this story, they are best friends just like Beth and Lotts

Please leave suggestions.

You and I - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now