1:the hungry cat

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Rina the black cat was running, running from the farmer and his white dog on the big field she was starving she barely had any food , it was her tenth attempt at stealing the farmers food she kept running even when her tiny paws hurt, she knew she couldn't stop, she thought he would chop her up and feed her to his family during the upcoming winter, winter was coming fast that was why she was there again... She stopped running her leg hurt to much to keep running, it was stinging, she was too focused on running that she didn't realize that there was a small rock in front of her she tripped over it she fell to the ground she was too tired to get up she just watched as the farmer and the dog got closer and closer untill they were right in front of her, he grabbed her she hissed at him trying to be intimidating, she knew that he was more powerful then her, he didn't stop, he scratched at her skin with a sharp tool she didn't recognize she began to scream and yell threatening and begging him to let her go, but he didn't stop it felt like a long time but soon she was covered in cuts, she was thrown onto the ground her skin scraped across the hard dirt, she began to run"that'll teach it" she heard far behind her, she turned around, he wasn't chasing her, she soon found her way out of the farm she fell onto the hard ground she had no energy to keep going on she closed her eyes she heard footsteps she opened her eyes and started to yell for them, they looked at her then left... They didn't care, they didn't help, she soon felt her eyes getting heavy, she didn't try to live any longer she accepted her death she knew her time in that world was up 'at least I don't have to save food for the winter' she thought' I don't have to sit in the freezing cold snow trying to keep warm' 'at least I don't have to go through the pain of starvation...'


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