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                                                                                 Avery ........................................................................................................................

Liam Turner the most popular guy in school. He's tall with these blue eyes that could cut through diamonds if he really wanted too, with this golden brown hair that has sandy highlights making it have this warm glow. And not to mention he's fit and the captain of the football team. Every girl wants him. Every girl but me. My name is Avery collins and I'm probably the only girl who hasn't drooled over Liam. In fact I'm dating his best friend Noah Anderson. Noah is sweet, and thoughtful. The complete opposite of Liam. Even though if you didn't know any better you could say they were brothers. They look so similar, and they do everything together from football to well... I think you get the point cause when I say everything I mean everything except for when Noah is with me.

"Babe? Babe? Earth to Avery!"

"What?" I say coming out of my thoughts

"You were glaring at Liam"

"Yeah you looked like you were going to kill him" Ava chimed

Ava is one of my best friends in the whole entire world next to Olivia and Layla, we grew up together. Honestly they're more like sisters than they are friends.

"Shut up you two I was not glaring at him"

"Yeah no you totally were right Ava?"

Noah looks at her.

"Yep she totally was" she says taking a bite of her salad.

"Yeah okay whatever guys" I say looking back in the direction of the football field.


"On my way coach!"

He looks at me and smiles.

"Love you baby"

"Love you too"

He kisses me then heads back towards the field.

"I swear coach Reynolds is an ass" Olivia says walking towards us

"I think he's just stressed we have a big game tonight" I say

"Yeah she's got a point"

"Thank you Ava"

"Your welcome Aves"

That's when you see coach Reeves walking towards you guys.

"Hey coach"

"Hey girls u ready to run a few drills?"

"Yes ma'am" Ava mutters

"First of all ouch I'm only 29 calling me ma'am makes me feel old, second off will you please go get my clipboard from my office Olivia, and Ava will you go get my lunch from my husband he's gonna drop it off"

"Yep" they both chime and walk off

You sigh.

"What's on your mind Avery"

"Just stressed I guess'

"You mind telling me with what"

"With my parents gone doing whatever they're doing, everyone expects me to throw some big party after the game tomorrow, my parents even encouraged that I do it, uhg... but that's what I get for being cheer captain I guess... the pressure to throw the years most epic parties are mine and Liams... but he's made it clear he won't be throwing any so I have too... plus I'm waiting for colleges to get back to me... I don't know sorry"

"It's okay you needed to talk about it, and I know for a fact that you'll throw an awesome party so don't stress"

"Thank you"

"Ofc hun"

She gives me a quick side hug.

"Now lets show those boys what we can do why don't we"

She leans a little closer and whispers.

"You know since they think we're weak and all"

She chuckles then gets up.

"I guess you're right we should show them whose boss"

I follow her to the matts and start stretching making sure that Noah could see every bit of skin that gets revealed.   

So that he could see...

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