The worst part

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Maddy's POV
"Just kidding. We cant drain you blood, you are an important part to the new society. We need you as a memeber. But we still do need you blood. We can draw just a little, duplicate it, and change everyone's DNA strains. Then we will have to reprograms everyone's memories to have just the perfect society," she laughed as she said it. She probably saw how pale I was getting.
"This is awful! This is stupid!" I protested.
"Love, we are doing this for the safety of everyone. We are protecting you. Without us, you would dissolve in this war. Every thing will perish. Cant you understand we are helping you?"
I wanted to be mad, but I saw her point. So I sighed, and let her draw my blood.

I just wanted to say hope you like this chapter!! Tell me if there is any suggestions that you have.

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