Terrible things

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  Roxanne's POV

  I could only stand there- petrified at the horror of what became of Chicago. Building were falling on the sight, missiles were being dropped right before my eyes. To be honest now, I have no idea why Claire would have to drag us through that narrow tunnel. Does she know something? I really cant help but wonder know.

  Emily looks like she just wants to drop to her knees and curl up into a ball. Katelyn has this look of horror on her face. Claire is just standing there, looking like she is ready to take the bombs and missiles. Then I think about Maddy. Are there just taking her back with the rest of the school? I hope so but then I remeber what Emily said.

  "They would take people who were just sobbing and take them away from the rest of the group."

  Im really confused about this whole thing. I feel like I am using like 60% of my brain but I know I can only us 10%. Imagine what I could do if I could us all of my brain. What codes I could acsess. What thongs I would know. How to solve and end this war.

Sorry for such a short chapter! I have major writers block. You guys know.

I really hope you like my story and please if you are a Doctor Who fan, please read my fan fic You Are Not Alone. Also please read all of the stories in my reading list they are really awesome and I recomend them. Thank you!



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