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Since the beginning of his career, Gianluca had tried to behave properly, both in the pitch and outside it. He wasn't one of those to post everything he did on the internet or date publicly, in fact there were just a few things of his life his fans knew for certain, the others being just gossips and rumors. He disliked to stopped to think about that, because everytime he felt a bit unsure of his own actions, he didn't know if he was doing something out of pressure or just because he wanted to. You can say Gianluca had met pressure personally, even though he enjoys what he does, there's a moment when you have to stop so you can go on later. Gianluca hasn't stopped since he began.

Although the German team is always one of the favorites to win the World Cup, they would never settle with opinion, they seeked for facts so they can prove they are the best national team in the world. That was the conviction that kept Gianluca going everyday, it was more than a job, sometimes it was more than a dream, it was somehow a duty, the duty to take the team to victory, not matter what. Not because of personal glory, but because of general happiness and joy, he felt all of his family and friends were playing with him everytime, sometimes it was for worse though. He had to visit the therapist's team for a few times, of course he felt he didn't need no therapy, feeling pressure was completely normal for someone like him, and it is true but there are all kinds of pressure, and if you step up in the wrong one there's a great possibility you'll get out with scratches.

He is usually teased by the guys on the team, he is the first one in arriving at training and he is the last one in leaving, he always wants to train a bit more, wants to practice that play one more time. He is totally dedicated to that, and it's just fine for him, that's his life. His house is still the same one, his room is the same as four years ago, he has been so absorted with football he hasn't even managed to get a new house for him, he's too comfortable in there, he's not lonely in there. Yes, he's a momma's boy.

Although he lives a dream life, the life he always wished he doesn't quite feel complete, but the problem is he doesn't seem to find the root, the reason why sometimes feeling lonely was a problem. When he was younger, spending time with himself was alright, it was something he enjoyed, but now he's even running from the idea of living by his own, he has pushed away that idea for too long. When he got called to the World Cup, he knew his life would never be the same, wether they win or lose, the feeling of being in such an event will surely change something inside him. Gianluca made a promise to himself, start facing the right levels, the next one being getting a house and start living with your own rules.

"Mario, what the hell?" Gianluca had awaken again in the same way, listening to Mario's argument with his girlfriend. 

"Sorry, mate" Mario stepped out to the balcony and closed the window behind him. Gianluca was already awake, not point in keep trying to find dreams anymore.

Today was the last day on Zurich, they were doing an event on a community center before heading back to the hotel and then back home. It was still early, so he decided to visit the hotel's gym until it was time to go. 

While walking to the gym, he heard what seemed to be a lot of people chatting and laughing in the hall of the hotel, it made him change his decision and take the other way to the gym. He stepped outside into the pool area, which had another entrance to the spa and gym that was in a lower level. 

In the instant he saw her he felt  an annoying feeling of wanting to turn around and come back to his room, or at least inside the hotel walls where he could watch her without being caught. He did. As of lately, Gianluca couldn't perceive his feelings or actions, maybe he was still ashamed because he couldn't find the bathroom on his own, or maybe it was simplier than that and he just didn't want to run into anyone that could start a conversation with him. Wasn't that the reason he left Mario on his own, and avoided the crowed hall a few moments ago?  He was going back to the hall when a few of his team mates catched him without him noticing. 

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