Chapter 1

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One year has passed since since a Hylian boy named Link has saved the land of Termina from the goddess Majora, and the notorious imp known as the Skull Kid finally come to terms with the Four Giants' departure for the sake of the nation and is now content with the companionship with the twin fairies, Tatl and Tael

But little does he know what the gods have in store for him and the adventure that is yet to come

"Alright Tatl, you'll count to twenty while me and Tael find a hiding place!"

"I am on it Skull Kid!" Tatl exclaimed as she prepared to count to begin their game of hide-and-seek. Ever since her adventure with Link to save her friend, Tatl has become more empathetic and adventurous than she was when she's with Skull Kid before accidentally being separated from him  

As Tatl is counting to twenty with her eyes closed with her face against a tree, Skull Kid and Tael are going around the surrounding forest trying to find a good hiding spot for Tatl to find them in.

While he founds a potentially good hiding place, Skull Kid also spotted two elegantly-dressed women he instantly recognized and then jumps down the tree he was in to run to them and greet them

"Trixen! Trinya! What are you doing in the forest?" he said happily as he reaches up to hug them

Trixen and Trinya are twins that came from a long line of priestesses who had worshiped Majora even after centuries have passed since their original tribe is no longer around

"It's about time we found you Skull Kid" Trinya said during their hug to which Skull Kid replied "What do you mean by that? Is there something I have to know?"

The twins pulled away from the hug and then Trixen puts the bag she's been carrying on her back in the ground and opens it to get a mask that Skull Kid knows all-too-well
"We want you to have this mask of our goddess and protect it"

Skull Kid then remembers all the stuff he has committed with it a year ago and all the harm it caused to both his friends and the people of Termina and even if he was possessed by it, he still feels massive guilt over it. He then promptly freaks out and stated outright as he tries to throw it away to which Trixen stopped him from doing so
"Sorry m'ladies, you don't want another world-ending situation in my hands!!"
he shuddered as he stares at the twins

"That's not going to happened Skull Kid" Trinya said while calming him down
"Majora can no longer access this mask"

"Are you really sure about that?" Skull Kid questioned as he's recovering from his freakout but is still having shivers by just thinking of that wretched mask

Trixen then puts her hand on his shoulder and begins to calmly assured him as to why they want him to own it "Allow us to tell you what that salesman didn't tell you about this mask"

Trinya added "When the goddess Majora left to the heavens, our tribe made this mask as a way for her to communicate with her people and the mortals below, even if it means to possess the person wearing it, though a few others tribes who had worshiped her follow suit with their own means to commune with her"

Trixen said following after her sister
"But when she was defeated by your friend, the connection that she has to this mask has been severed"

Skull Kid doesn't know all of this before, but how much that masked salesman does know about the mask and the connection it has to Majora is beyond him. but at least he's now relieved that he won't get possessed by that mad goddess again

"So does that mean that it is safe to wear it now?"

"yes" Trinya replied "but the actual reason why me and my sister wanted to give this mask back to you is because it still has her immense powers" as she handed over the mask to Skull Kid

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