The Start of Destroyer

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After seeing the huge wounds Milim started to cry

"G-Gaia? Answer me!" She said weakly but no response

“GAIA!” she yelled right to Gaia's ear but still no response

She's about to run back home crying but she noticed a light in the opposite of where their house is

She used her Milim eye to see the source of the light and sees a group a people coming towards her full geared with an emblems to their armors and shields

She then looked to the body parts that are scattered around her and noticed there are emblems that are similar to theirs

“Heh” she chuckled after figuring what happened

“heheheheh-...” the chuckles then slowly turned into laughs

But despite her laughter the expression that are shown on her face is anger

A really angry one

{Extra Skill: Rage acquired}

In her anger a message could be heard but she didn't notice it from her anger

{Extra Skill: Rage evolved into Unique Skill: Wrath}

After that second message she could feel herself full of energy ready to explode at any moment

So she let it all out and used it to the fullest

She jumped from where she was standing straight to the group of people coming to her

With a simple punch she launched the one that lead the group through their comrades

Some looked dumbfounded while most of them are shocked

But the one thing they all have is...


A few minutes later

After beating most of them to death she noticed a few have run away so she chased them

“YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY!” she said as she punched one of them straight to the ground

Right after she does that one of the people who are running away summoned a demon while another one summoned a spirit to slow her down

They actually managed to slow Milim down, just barely so that they could run away from there

Even though they managed to save themselves with that... For now anyway. All they did is only angered her even more

She then looked for trail of Magicules left by them running away and follows it. Which lead us to the massacre that are going to happen

4 minutes later

She almost caught up to those running away but get stopped by the wall of a kingdom separating them

She looked at the gate just to see that same emblem again which makes her angrier

She then did what a typical Milim would do with a door type entrance, blow it off from it's hinges

The gate then flew and penetrated the nearest building almost cutting through it

The peoples that are around to see what just happened are terrified and quickly run away from there

However unfortunately for them, that's the worst choice they could make

Because now Milim sees them as one of those that attacked Gaia

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