Chapter 55

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"midnight madness"

"midnight madness"

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Third Person POV

"A friend date?" Nathan repeated which gained a nod from Andrew. "Yeah, no that is hundred percent a date."

An annoyed groan came from the slightly older teen. "It's not a date, she said so herself." I upheld my side. "But she did want to go to the mall later on."

Nathan's brows raised at the words then furrowed them. "Okay, so let me get this straight. The other night wasn't a date but this one is?"

Andrew nodded his head as he spoke, "Yeah-wait no!" He switched quickly, gaining a satisfied smirk from the young Scott. "It isn't okay, I told her that. For the first time, I was actually straightforward."

Nathan tilted his head a bit but kept his eyes on the tv as he played 2k with a controller in hand, while Andrew had another.

"You know what, enough about me. Let's talk about you." Andrew said, trying to change the topic. "How's the whole Haley music thing? You know getting her back working with Chris."

"She said no." He replied which made Andrew open his mouth, about to speak. "I don't want to hear I told you so.

"I wasn't going to say that." He retorted, which earned a small glare from Nate. "Fine, I was but it's true. There's no way she's going to change her mind." He paused before continuing, "Unless,"

"Unless what?" Turning to his friend as he paused their ps2 game.

"Unless you tell her what you're trying to do." He finished making Nathan turn back around as he shook his head and continued the game. "I'm just trying to help you out here, but that's the only way I see her accepting the offer." He told him before jumping from his seat as he made the winning shot in the video game. "I also see me beating your ass in every damn game."

"Yeah, whatever I let you win."

Andrew gave him a playful glare before shutting off the system and placing the controller on the coffee table. "Okay, if that's what you say. Now get out of here and go talk to Haley."

"Whoa, why are you in a-" Nathan started before realizing. "Oh, your date with Rachel."

"It's not a date."


"This isn't a date, right?" Andrew asked Rachel as they walked along a semi-crowded mall like they'd been doing for an hour now.

She looked at him with a small smirk displayed before speaking, "Unfortunately no, since you made it clear that you're still focused on your ex."

The boy furrowed his brows, "I'm not focused on her." She gave him a curious look as he continued, "I just don't want to rush into anything."

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