Chapter Two-A long night at Camp Crystal Lake

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Cort was rocking the van with Nikki on the bed that was inside the van. 

The song 'Teenage Frankenstein', by Alice Cooper blared on the radio. He was looking forward to tonight; he was sure that the darkness of the hour hadn't tainted the vibe of the van that was off Miner Road. A full moon glistened in the moonlight. There wasn't any werewolves roaming the camp; there was only serial killers with masks on their faces. Missy, a six year old girl, was asleep when Jason Voorhees stalked cabin 4. She got up out of bed. And she screamed. Sissy, and Megan, appeared. 

'What's the matter?', Sissy asked her. 

'There's a scary man outside the window', Missy answered her.

'Well, I'm Sissy, and Megan. We're the camp counsellors. If you're scared, close your eyes, and say a prayer, and he'll go away', Sissy said. 

'I'm Missy', she said.

'Well, Missy, it's time to go to bed, okay', Megan said.

She nodded, and she watched them leave the cabins. 


Missy said a prayer.

The cabin door creaked open.

Jason Voorhees watched her, as the warm fireplace crackled with burning wood. 

Seconds later, he vanished. 

Missy was alive.

And so were the campers.


Cort was having a time of his life. 

Suddenly the electrical cord to the van was severed with brute force. 

'Cort! I can't fucking see!', Nikki screamed.

He looked blindly at the door. 

'Someone's out the woods', Cort said. Nikki was attacked by Jason. Cort looked back into the van; Nikki was dead. Jason slit Cort's throat with a knife. And, seconds later, the van overturned, as Jason Voorhees saw the fire consume Miner Road, forcing the Crystal Lake Fire Department vehicles to put it out.


'Someone really wants to have Tommy believe in this Jason crap, Sheriff', Deputy Cologne said. The van was a crime scene. 

'We have Tommy Jarvis in the cells', the Sheriff said.

'Then who murdered the young couple, the three people in the Forest playing war games, and those campers?', the Deputy asked him. 

'Smoky the Bear', the Sheriff answered for a laugh.

But, the Deputy wasn't laughing.


Megan arrived at the Forest Green Police Station, or Camp Crystal Lake. 

The change messed things up.

'Tommy', she said. 

'Megan', Tommy said. 

'I'll get you out. I got a killer on the loose', she blurted out. 

'Fine. Once Jason's dead, the horror of the death curse will be over', Tommy said.

She got a key, and unlocked the cells.

Tommy Jarvis was free, as they headed to the haunted Camp Crystal Lake.


Sissy said to the other counsellors.

'Which cabin is Jason in?', she asked Carole.

'In cabin 5', Carole, a pretty seventeen year old counsellor, who was Megan's best friend, answered.

'Yes, he is', Sissy said.

They were tired now. 

As Sissy read a novel, she was near the shiny window. 

Jason Voorhees smashed through it, and killed the counsellors.

The campers huddled under their bunks. 

And prayed for help.


Megan saw the roadblock. 

They saw the Sheriff, and Deputy Cologne. 

And sixteen other Crystal Lake Police Officers who were  at the camp.

Sheriff Garris said: 'That's my daughter's car'. 

They raced to the campgrounds. 


Tommy was with Megan. 

'Okay, everyone comes with me to cabin 13', she said.

Jason Voorhees fought the Crystal Lake officers.

All of them died, including the Sheriff.


'Jason', Tommy yelled.

He swam in the deep water. 

Seconds later, both of them fought a battle of wills.

Tommy saw some kerosene bottles. 

He wrapped some silver chains around his head, neck, and body. 

The explosion rocked the freezing lake.

And, seconds later, Tommy Jarvis jumped from the boat.

Tommy swam to shore.

And he, Megan, and the children, were safe.


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Friday the 13th Part VI Jason Lives A novel by Robert HelligerWhere stories live. Discover now