. boo? .

30 3 2

As soon as we arrived at my village, we immediately got transported to the dining area.

"I'll be right back", was what Ustaz Aqid said before he and his partner went to greet my grandparents. We could not help but chat while waiting for them.

"Hey, do you think this kind of place have ghosts?", said Rania while laughing to us. Although my friends took the statement as a joke, I could not help but felt uneasy with that statement. And it seems that my intuition was right.

My eyes began to wonder as I caught sight of "it" on the ceiling. I widened my eyes and quickly look down in shock and horror. My friend, Rania, also caught sight of me and asked why. I did not say anything and signalled her to look up. As she did what I told, other people began to take notice of the situation and silently informs their friends.

As Ustaz Aqid and his partner, whom I may address as Ustaz Sham, came back and being weirded out with us constantly staring down, Batrisyia and some others (Suhaila, Nasruddin) informed the Ustaz silently while still in absurd horror. He immediately spotted the "thing" on the ceiling as the "thing" came down and circled the table we're seating. We felt panic rushing through our blood as the "thing" circled us with no expression. Seeing that the situation had taken the toll for the worse, Ustaz Aqid ordered Ustaz Sham to protected the boys desk and ordered us to pretend to be asleep while he fought the "thing". As Ustaz Sham seemed to understand the situation, we obeyed his orders as he shielded us with his body. He also warned us not to put our heads face down as it gave the "thing" an opportunity to attack us. I silently observed (;; face side) as he fight the "thing".

"Hoi, apa yang kau nak dengan anak-anak murid aku, hah?!?", he exclaimed, seemingly to abvert the "thing's" attention from us. I can't help but still feel panic while I observed my friends and the boys desk. Some are silently crying (;; Batrisyia, Suhaila, Aina, Diaz), some are chilling but still scared I guess..? And some are also observing the fight.

Although we could not hear what the "thing" said, it's more than enough for us to understand the current situation. As Ustaz Aqid began to fight it with recitals of the Quran and such, we felt ourselves going to sleep and our eyes began to close slowly.


"Akh... *cough* *cough*.. Tck,,., Tch..."

Being the first person to woke up is both a blessing and a curse. I was greeted with Ustaz
Aqid's coughing till blood came out his mouth, similar of how Cikgu Talhah (yaya_okita on Instagram) did. The "thing" had... defeated... Ustaz Aqid..? The "thing" then immediately goes back to their area, the ceiling.

"Is it safe to lift our heads now?", I asked my friends who already raised their heads.

"I think so.."
"To be honest, we're also not sure ourselves."
*murmur* *murmur*

Ah, so loud. I despises noisy surroundings.

I got up from my chair and examined the surroundings. Ustaz Sham is not here, probably treating Ustaz Aqid's wounds. As I was searching for the exit, I couldn't help but notice that the thing is spying over me. What did the thing want from me? Oh, me, myself did not know the answer.

"... Are you serious..?"

There. In front of our eyes. The exit. A dark hallway. With not even a single inch of light. And the ceiling's have many holes as well.

"Well, shit. Do we really have to go through this hallway?", one of my friends asked.
"Yeah bro. Are there no other exit?", more people began to express their scaredness and dis-comfortness.

"I guess we have no choice. Alright, line up everyone. Let's not get lost within this 'maze'. Let's hold each other's hands and get through this.", I said as I lead the group to the living room.

The hallway was very dark. I don't know what's the purpose of my grandparents to be creating this long ass hallway. Inside the holes on the ceiling, I can sense the "thing" prying on us. I took a sharp glance to the thing, and also to my group to make sure we're still all in one piece. To my surprise, we already reached the living room.

My friends were very relieved. We all then proceed to calm ourselves down first. Some were doing pretty great, but some are in a panic attack. I ignored it and entered the room that my family is residing. My mom were playing her phone, seemingly to ignore the outside world. My dad were sleeping soundly.

"Ma, what's with all the... 'thing' residing in this house..?", I asked my mom, and to my surprise, resulting in my mom shushing me from talking any further.

"Shh.", was all what she said before I understood the situation. The "thing" is still prying on us from the hole on our room's ceiling. I gave it a sharp glance, and that "thing" backed away.

"Do not speak of it any further. Refrain getting close near it. Your life's might be in danger if you ignore my words.", was what my mom said as I leave the room.

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