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In Which Eden Roy, Still Desperate for a Date, Enlists the Help of Daphne Flowers

11) Your character gets recognized by someone random in a public place.

"Okay," Marley grunts, puling a wrinkled to-do list out of her pocket and attempting to smooth out the creases by rubbing it against her shopping cart, "we need silver bullets, some rope, a compass, a flashlight, a bow and arrow, and Slurpees."

Sawyer furrows his eyebrows together and asks, "Why Slurpees?"

"Because I'm hungry, that's why!" is Marley's counterargument.

Harrison shakes his head as he pushes his own shopping cart past Marley. "You can't get Slurpees at Wal-Mart."

"But wait," Eden interrupts, raising her hand slightly as she speed-walks up to everyone else. She turns to Marley and tugs at the collar of her own t-shirt, asking, "You can really buy silver bullets at Wal-Mart?"

Marley squints and shrugs before deciding that she has a bit of a reputation to uphold with Eden, so she nods. "Probably, yeah. You can get anything at Wal-Mart."

Eden's eyes light up with a childlike excitement as she squeals, "Really?"

Marley nods, prompting Eden to excitedly scoot away from the crowd, gasping some variation of, "Oh my god," as she pokes her head into every aisle before turning around and asking Marley, "Where would the silver bullets be?"

"Probably over there or something," Marley replies, pointing to a random aisle.

Eden nods emphatically and darts in the same direction, ignoring Harrison's head shaking and forced laughter, waiting until Eden's out of earshot to tell Marley, "You know, you can't really buy silver—"

"Of course I know you can't buy silver bullets at Wal-Mart! I'm not an idiot!"

Harrison flares his nostrils and whistles as he wheels his cart away, joining Annushka at one of the freezers. Sawyer watches them for a minute as she opens the door and proceeds to shove five boxes of frozen macaroni and cheese into their cart before he musters up the courage to ask, "And, why do you guys need that much mac n' cheese?"

"Because," Harrison quips in a matter-of-fact tone, scrambling to think of a legitimate reason as to why he would actually need so much macaroni and cheese before Annushka unzips her purse and mutters, "I have coupons."

In an effort to quickly change the subject to something else, Harrison points to Sawyer and then Marley, telling them, "Hey, why don't you two go over there and find Eden?"

"Why?" Marley retorts. "She's probably fine--"

"But why don't you go check on her?" Harrison repeats, waving towards one of the various aisles where she could be hiding.

Marley makes a face and rolls her eyes, but Sawyer grabs her wrist and drags her away by her Silly Bandz-decorated arm before she can say anything, only letting go three aisles later when they find Eden hidden behind a rack of dresses. He wrinkles his nose and asks, "What are you doing, Eden?" as Marley frowns and rubs her sore wrist.

Eden immediately ducks behind a denim maxi skirt and plays a game of "they can't see me if I can't see them," only admitting defeat when Sawyer lightly kicks her ankle and quips, "Eden, come on out, show's over, we can see you."

Eden slowly stands up, moving a few wrinkled items out of her way as she asks, "Really?"

Sawyer nods.

Eden sighs and gestures slightly towards the fish in the back of the store. "So then do you think she can see me?"

Marley turns around and squints, pointing to a familiar-looking Daphne Flowers, whose currently occupying herself by studying the fishes, and asks, "Who, the fish?"

Eden brushes her cowlick-plauged hair away from her face and shakes her head briefly before pointing again, this time slightly to the left. "No, her. What's her name again, Daphne? I have something kind of important I have been meaning to ask her--"

"So, ask her," Marley replies, adjusting her glasses as she makes a mental note to get a new pair (which everyone knows she won't do, but that's besides the point right now).

"Oh, no, I need more time to prepare--" Eden stammers, cowering back behind the dresses and pulling one of them over her face.

"Nonsense," Marley retorts, grabbing Eden's hand and forcefully pulling her from the security of the five dollar dress rack as she says, "Come on, Moses, it's time to part the Red Sea!"

Eden wrinkles her nose and deadpans, "What does that mean?"

Marley sighs and drops Eden's hand as she slowly explains, "The dress rack. . . it's like the Red Sea, yeah? And you were supposed to be Moses. . . "

Sawyer crosses his arms and grunts, prompting Marley to remember his existence and call on him for assistance. "You get it, right?" she asks him.

He sighs and nods. "It's not making me laugh, but I get it."

She makes a slight face and waves him away, retorting with, "Whatever, it was funnier in my head." before she remembers why she's currently in this situation. She once again readjusts her crooked glasses and, to the horror of her bewildered audience of two, shrieks, "Hey, Daphne!"

Daphne immediately spins on her heels, putting her fish watching to a screeching halt as she shouts, "Yeah?" and aimlessly searches for her person of interest.

Marley waves to get her attention, pointing to Eden and explaining, "She has something she needs to ask you!"

Eden's cheeks turn three shades brighter as she begins to duck towards the safety and security of her new hiding spot, hoping that the smell of ten different peoples' perfume will somehow grant her the ability to become invisible.

Her far-fetched plan, however, is foiled when Daphne trots over to them, her plastic flip-flops hitting the ground as she crosses her arms and bounces on the balls of her feet. Finally admitting defeat, Eden pokes her head out of the dress rack and smiles feebly, muttering, "Hello," in a nervous, singsongy voice.

Daphne's forehead fills with thought lines as she wonders what on God's green Earth she was doing there in the first place, but disregards that aspect and asks, "So, what did you want to ask me?"

Eden Roy, now faced with a pretty perilous situation, engages in a quick mental dilemma over wether or not she asks Daphne the question that's been on her mind for quite a few days now, finally deciding that she has nothing to lose after her asking Ingrid to the dance went wrong in more ways than one.

"Will you go to the dance with me?" she finally blurts out.

Daphne's eyes widen before she blushes slightly and blinks, tucking her hair behind her ear and giggling a little as she squeaks, ". . . Sure?" She literally bites her tongue immediately after, silently cursing herself for sounding unsure, but Eden is unfazed as she smiles and emerges from the discount dress rack.

The new couple is met by terrified looks from both Marley and Sawyer, who had spent the last few minutes looking for various items to check off of their werewolf-hunting supplies list, including but not limited to sleeping bags and bear mace. "Wait, what?" Marley quips.

She's promptly ignored by Eden and Daphne as Eden claps and bounces in place, relieved that the second attempt at finding a date for the dance went over far more smoothly than the first time around (and albeit, not as romantic, but she said yes nonetheless, which Eden takes as a sign that she did something right). "Great! I was thinking blue dresses?"


i've come to the decision that "can't get it out of my head" is the official song of eden roy and daphnie flowers

i'm actually negotiating a deal with elo about this right now, so stay tuned

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