Chapter 16

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Ashton woke up out of his nap while still bathed in your blood. Your on the other side of the door still sleepy. "Y-yes babe?"

"Why are you still up?"

"I took a nap." Ashton was honest about that but lied about taking a bath in the blood that you were going donate to a friend that needed it the most. Ashton felt like he needed it more.

"Nevermind. I'll use the one downstairs." You walked away from the door. Relief washed over Ashton. He's had enough of the bloody spa treatment. He drained the tub and cleansed himself of your blood. Ashton doesn't feel bad at all. If he wants it then he'll get it, no matter what consequences follow.

"That was well needed." Ashton snickered putting on his clothes and going to bed.


"Babe!!!!" Ashton jumped on you in your sleep causing you to wake up screaming.

"What the fuck, Ashton?!"

"My mum making dinner and my family is gonna be there. I want you to meet them." Ashton smiled pleasantly.

"I'd be delighted."

"Yay!!!" Ashton wrapped his arms around your neck and wrapped his legs around your waist. "They are going to love you!"

"I hope they aren't as mean as you."

"I'm not mean!" Ashton snapped defensively. "I'm just.....okay I might be a tad bit mean but I'm a sweetheart."

"To me."

"Yeah your right." Ashton shrugged climbing off the bed.

While you showered and got dressed, Ashton walked over to his drawer and pulled out a shirt that said 'Ashton's boyfriend' on it. He had a matching one that said, '(Y/N)'s boyfriend' printed on it as well. He wants the world to know that you two belong to one another.

"Ashton, have you seen my favorite shirt?" You walked out the bathroom in nothing but your pants. He's holding something behind his back with a big smile. "Why are your smiling so hard?"

"Because." He replied with a grin and pulled out the shirt. You quickly read the shirt. "You've got to be joking."

"Do I ever joke?"


"Exactly. Just wear it for me." Ashton tossed you the shirt. To avoid any fighting with him, you put it on and he couldn't be much happier. He put his on too.

"Now everyone knows that we are together."

"What about our wedding rings. Remember when you forced me to marry you?"

"Oh that." Ashton rolls his eyes. "It was a pretend wedding that seemed real."

"It did." You agreed.

"If it came down to it, would you marry me?"


"Of course you would." Ashton kissed you and grabbed your head leading you out the house. Ashton drove the entire way to his mum's house. He sang his favorite songs on the radio as loud as he could. You pretended like you liked his loud, obnoxious singing because he'd bite you if you didn't.

Finally, your at Ashton's mum's house. You climbed out the car and Ashton was already on the other side. He took your hand and walked towards the front door and rang the door bell. Soon his mother Anne opened the door with a huge smile on her face.

My Psycho Boyfriend: Ashton Irwin (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now