Chapter 19

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The sound of hammering and nails woke you up out of your deep sleep. Part of you wants to go out and investigate where the noises were coming from. Maybe it's the neighbors? Or the home improvement channels on the TV? But like usual, it was Ashton being.....Ashton.

There wasn't any light shining through your curtain in the morning to wake you up. You knew right then and there that something wasn't right. Ashton was outside nailing the window with wood boards. For what? You don't have any idea.

"For fucks sake..." You mumbled, rolling lazily out to bed and went outside. Ashton was a few feet high on a ladder hammering more boards to the window. "Ah-hem!" You fake coughed to get Ashton's attention.

"Oh!" Ashton quickly dropped the hammer and nails. "Good morning baby!"

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Boarding the windows."


"So you wouldn't fall out." He obviously lied. "And so thieves won't be able to break in."His legitimate reason was to keep you from escaping whenever you're mad at him.

"When have I ever fallen out a window? Or someone has ever broken in?"


"Okay then. Take these off, Ashton. I don't like having my sunlight blocked."

"Curtains do that same thing." Ashton huffed.

"A curtain and wood boards are two different things, Ashton. If you loved me then you would take them down for me." You played reverse psychology on him. You do love Ashton but you know that he needs psychological help.

"Awe....okay." Ashton climbed down the ladder, slowly. After he walked over to you with his head down then kissing you on the cheek.

"I love you." You tell him.

Ashton's mood when from sad to extra happy. He leaped on you, wrapping his arms and legs around your body, "I fucking love you too!"

Then Ashton's psycho voice in his head started talking, "This is fucking great! (Y/N) told me that he loved me first. I didn't have to force him to say it! My plan is actually working. We'll legally get married instead of getting fraud paper work that I tricked him into signing. We'll have cute babies. We'll live happily ever after. And no one is gonna come in between that. If they do, I'll slice their fucking throats."

The psycho boy chuckled under his breath. Then his giggling got loud enough for you to hear it.

"What's so funny?" You asked.

"Oh um....nothing." He replied quickly climbing back up the later, removing the boards with his bare hands.

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"You're cock down my throat." He answered bluntly.

"Ashton!!" You gasped, blushing a tad.

"I'm kidding." The boy burst into hysterical laughter. "The usual. I want a whole lot of pancakes."

"You got it." You smiled walking back into the house to make your psycho boyfriend his favorite breakfast.

As you walked away, it gave him time to admire you as you walked away. He couldn't help but smile watching you. "So cute."

"I think he has an idea that I'm keeping him from running away from me. He should be lucky that I didn't.......nevermind. Nailing the windows shut was the best I could come up with. He loves me but I have to make him love me even more......I got it! I candlelight dinner for the two of us at home would be perfect. I'll cook for him and everything! Without putting anything in his food that'll make him go to sleep. Then it will be Mr. and Mr. Irwin in holy matrimony. For real this time!" Ashton thought out the whole plan in his head.

My Psycho Boyfriend: Ashton Irwin (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now