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"Look, ever since Benny had that accident, I think he has lost memory of us. Even you, Lenny." Denny whispered.

"What? No, he couldn't! You know how I feel toward him.. I can't lose him.." Lenny whispered back. It sounded like he was about to cry.

The others frowned and gave a group hug, dedicated to Lenny.


I quickly wiped away my last tear as I heard the others nearing closer. I slid my helmet back on and grabbed my notepad and pencil again. I still stood faced toward the console.

Even though I've been standing here for a bit, I have gotten quite the view of the ship. The main room with the chairs was the one we were in a few minutes ago. The console is straight ahead of the chairs, and to the left of them, are the bathroom and the lunch room. To the right of the chairs, are the five dedicated bedrooms. They had signs above them to indicate who's room it was, but I didn't bother to look at who's bedroom was who's.

Kenny startled me with a wave in front of my visor. I turned my head quickly and jumped. "Jesus Christ, Kenny! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I angrily yelled. I turned my head back to my notepad and started scribbling into it again.

"By the sound of it, you probably could use a heart attack!" He laughed. Jenny laughed beside him.

My grip tightened on the pencil again. The pencil snapped in half as my eye twitched. I looked back at Kenny and Jenny.
"WHEN WILL YOU STOP NAGGING ME??!" I screeched. I threw my hands up again.

"Aww, someone's being a little baby!" Kenny chuckled. Jenny placed a hand on Kenny's shoulder as she laughed as well.

That was my last straw.

"I don't give a FUCK. Go AWAY and leave me ALONE." I bellowed.

Kenny and Jenny stared at me in shock and they slowly backed away into their bedrooms. I looked back at the floating pencil as I sighed. Why do I have to be like this? I thought.

Book 1; LOST IN MEMORY (LEGO MOVIE ASTRONAUTS)Where stories live. Discover now