chapter 13: all i wanna do

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**quick a/n: hey my loves! im sorry this update took so long, i was really sick and had a lot of life stuff going on. i tried my best to write through all of it though, so i pray this chapter satisfies you. thank yall so much for the support!

chapter namesake: all i wanna do by beach boys.


The fourth time.

It was the fourth time you had woken up out of your slumber since you crashed into your bed hours ago after your 'argument' with your aunt. Feeling drained and rather pessimistic, you had chosen to dedicate the energy to sleeping—it felt more reasonable than moping around at this point. Yet, you couldn't even do that. It felt as if somebody was itching around in your brain the moment you shut your eyes—mind restless and wild. You flopped and turned in bed, body coursing hot with frustration. When you would drift to sleep, only thirty minutes were allotted. Feeling defeated, you sat up in your bed, gazing at the room before you, dark and illuminated with a navy hue, with sparses of the white light from the streetlamp outside peeking through the blinds. You caught the shadowy reflection of your upper body in the vanity mirror before your bed—slumped over with horrible posture.

Turning your head to look at the red numerals on your alarm clock, you sighed, irked at the time displayed.

3:45 A.M.

You had been going at this for hours upon hours, sleep didn't seem to be your friend tonight. You at least wanted to get some shut eye before meeting up with Henry. Before leaving his house, you had essentially coerced him into going to the library with you—him protesting with the qualms of Joyce, insinuating that she wouldn't let him or El leave the house, especially with the events that unfolded yesterday. However, you promised him the two of you would go early in the morning, around six, when it first opened. Nobody would be at the Hawkins City Library at six in the morning. (Not anyone worth mentioning, anyway.)

Now, you were beginning to regret your decision—six was only three hours away, with the way your night was going, it would be morning in no time. Groaning, you got out of bed, feet supported by the softness of the carpeted floor below. Sleepily shuffling your way out of your room, you opened the bedroom door to a house filled with darkness. It was, once again, quiet—the ticking of the kitchen clock and the drum of the air conditioning being the only thing you heard. Auntie must have opted to sleep elsewhere than the couch tonight, noting that the television in the living room was not on. You turned your attention towards the other end of the hallway—towards the door of your mother's room, where she would've slept. Remembering that you hadn't stepped foot in it since that day, an ominous feeling caused goosebumps to rise upon your skin. You quickly shook the thought of dread from your mind, turning to walk to the bathroom right across from your room—the original destination of your mission.

Turning the knob and flicking on the light, you squint your eyes at the intrusion of the brightness. Shutting the door, you turned your attention to your reflection cast back in the mirror.


You looked like shit—that was the first thought that had come to mind. Dark circles permeated underneath your eyes, forming slightly deep eyebags. The whites of your eyes were stained slightly pink, fading to red towards the outer edges, a symbol of the burning you were experiencing through your irises presently. Your eyebrows were furrowed, face in a scowl, with some slight dried drool sitting on the side of your mouth. A massive headache pronged your temples, stretching to the back of your head. Lost in the trance of your ragged appearance, you failed to notice your nose beginning to bleed.

"Oh, fuck.." You grumbled, scrambling your hands to get a piece of toilet paper, wiping the dribble of blood as it began to seep into the bow of your lip. Wadding up the piece of paper, you stuck it up your nose promptly to prevent future bleeding from making itself down your face.

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