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After rising to the surface and saying goodbye to her friend with a hug that combined sweet and bitter, Rhode promised her something:

—You'll hear from me and we'll see each other again, I promise.

Said that, Aledwen nodded smiling as her best friend plunged into the depths again. But this time, the hearts of both were compressed with nostalgia, wishing that those words were real.

Rhode swam quickly to her abode. Along the way she met some of her neighbors; a yellow starfish and a family of pink fish, both fluorescent species. She greeted them cordially like every day, because she did not want to raise suspicions of her move.

King Clairon was evil, he had forbidden each species that lived under his reign, to do activities that caused rejoicing, and among those activities included dancing and singing, he had also forbidden them to leave there. All this because the king assured that it disturbed his tranquility. Therefore, until then Rhode only sang and danced in the privacy of her home. Only her parents and Aledwen had seen and heard her.

When she entered her home, she grabbed the money she had saved, and as fast as a dolphin, she left what had been her home for as long as she could remember. As she swam to the edge of King Clairon's sea, she gazed at each settlement carefully, realizing that it might be the last time, with appreciation and gratitude for having grown up in such beautiful waters. Since, it was rumored by the waters, that whoever left there did not return.

When she saw the wall of fog that hid what was on her horizon, she knew that she had reached the limit of that sea. She closed her eyes and when sharpened her ears heard music and laughter.

It was then that Rhode crossed the mist in search of her dreams.

Rhode, the dream of a mermaid.Where stories live. Discover now