Nobody Likes A Suck Up

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"So, what do you think of the school so far?"

"Awful." Firey put his hands in his hoodie pockets, "Absolutely shameful."

"You are NOT still obsessing over that girl, are you?" Coiny furrowed his brows in annoyance, causing his friend beside him to scoff.

"Nobody's been doing ANYTHING to call her out!"

"It's only been two days, Fire man! Relax! You're gonna waste all your time trying to 'expose' her or whatever. At least let yourself get a little more settled in."

The fire man in question sunk a bit into his seat. He knew Coiny was right, but—time flies by fast! One minute he'll just be settling in, and the next he wastes his entire school year lollygagging instead of putting an end to Leafy's antics. He can't imagine what she'd turn out like in the future. Eugh.

"That's not very good for your posture."

He shot him a glare, Coiny putting his hands up in a mock surrender.

"Why would people want to vote for her, anyway?"

"Well, as I said on the first day you came, some people are stupid. And can't tell that she's faking. So, she does get a handful of votes at times like these."

Firey groaned. Ooof course. "I don't even know or like Pin that much, but I'd take her over Leafy any day."

His frenemy gave a half-hearted chuckle. "Well, we'll see. There ARE also some people with sense here, believe it or not."

"Oh really? I couldn't tell."

"Some people don't like Pin either, though—since apparently she's been known for, uh..tooting her own horn, and not being able to back it up."

He rose back up. "Huh."

Coiny stared a little, with slight concern. "Look, this school isn't the best, I gotta agree, and you're only gonna make it worse if you keep trying to play detective and waste your whole school year."

Firey rolled his eyes. He says it like he was PLANNING to do it the whole year if he had to.

I mean, he was, but he doesn't have to know that.

"I guess you're right."

"I always am."

"Don't push it."

"AND if you vote for me, I can convince Icy to sign an autograph for you!"

"REALLY?!" Bracelety exclaimed through her raspy voice. Leafy nodded sweetly.

"YOU HAVE MY VOTE!!" She scurried off, Leafy watching as her smile faded a bit. What an odd girl, she thought.

Her little fangirling was cute, she must admit, but also a little obsessive. And a little creepy. Did Ice Cube even like her?

Well, no matter. That's not the point. At the end of the day, she got another vote. And that's all she wanted.

She had her own system. She knows a handful of details about a handful of students here. And that was pretty useful, especially in her case.

Most would call her obsessive, attention seeking, etc, etc. But that's okay.

They can just go shove a peanut up their arse!

She hummed happily as she stuck the last poster she had on the wall, sighing. She'll have to print out more.


She blinked at the sudden noise, turning around.

There Pin stood, holding her own ripped up poster, looking..unamused, to say the least.

Her eyes widened. "Pin!" She gave a friendly laugh, "My old friend! What's up?"

"DON'T give me that! Andyousaythisisjustafriendlycompetition—YOU RIPPED UP MY POSTER!"

"I didn't mean it!"


Leafy had to admit, maybe some of her own anger issues rubbed off on Pin. That's probably why she wasn't really fazed.

She sighed. "Pin, it WAS an accident, I swear—" She lied through her teeth. "—I fell over and instinctively grabbed onto the nearest thing, which was..your poster. I'm sorry."

Green eyes pierced her own, softening slightly but still distrustful.

"Really, what kind of person do you take me for, anyway? If you think I'd do something like that on purpose, I think that says a lot about you."


"Im JUST saying." She gave a sympathetic smile, patting her shoulder. "Maybe think about some self reflection." She held her hand out next. "I'll patch up your poster."

Pin stared down at her hand, an unsure look evident on her face. Before softly huffing. She turned on her heels, walking off.

Leafy stared, slowly lowering her hand.


Her loss.

'Self reflection'—What a stinkin' joke. She should take her own advice. Pin didn't need self reflection. She was fine! A perfect, kind, beautiful, smart, and talented leader!




She slowed her pace, ceasing her angry speedwalking. This is probably what Leafy wanted, isn't it?

..For her to question those titles?



That's EXACTLY why she shouldn't give in to those feelings. Being insecure isn't all that fun, anyway. Shows weakness. She is NOT weak.

"Strong leader." She muttered to herself, opening the classroom door and stepping in.


She yelled as he dribbled the ball across the court, eventually tossing the ball through the hoop.

"What? Is that her boyfriend or something?" Firey leaned closer to Coiny, trying to see better.

His friend grimaced a tiny bit as he pushed him back away, "Nah. She doesn't have one. She's probably just sucking up to get another vote."

"What else did I expect." The flame rolled his eyes. "Isn't that the same guy I saw skateboarding on my first day?"


He watched as Gelatin took a swig of water, wiping his face with a towel as Leafy hopped off the bleachers clapping.

"Bravo! You really put on a show out there!"

"Why thank you, my!" He smiles, chuckling a little at her enthusiasm.

"Say, you've heard about the election this month, yeah?"

"Yes indeed I have!"

Don't tell me. Firey thought.

"How about you help out a NICE FRIEND and hand over a vote?"

"Hmmmh.." He tapped his chin.

Are you kidding me.

"I dunno. I haven't thought about it much. But I'll let you kn—"

"I WILL—" She quickly grabbed his shoulder before he could turn away, "...Rraaisee funds for the basketball team! Yup—Mhm! We can have a bake sale and EVERYTHING!! It'll be so much fun, too!"

He blinked. "Oh." He stared for a moment, seemingly deciding in his head. "..Oookay! That sounds cool!" He smiled. "Im holding you to that offer, Leafster!" He whipped out his finger guns as he walked off, before fully turning away.

She waved happily as he did, sighing when he turned around. Awesome.

"Nice save." Firey muttered, watching her from the bleachers. He sighed, grabbing his bag. "Game's over, let's go."

"Right behind ya."

Maybe he should try to take Coiny's advice.

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