Prologue (Part 3)

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*Link was startled, he looked around his surroundings and saw 4 big men around the van. There were tinted windows, and a thin man driving. Everywhere he looked was black and gray. The men wore a mask and sprayed sleeping powder. Link was coughing, felt dizzy, and fell unconscious. He then woke up, tied up in a wooden chair, with duct tape on his mouth. Struggling, he tried to shake while he can. Faint footsteps can be heard, and out came a thin shadow. He revealed himself with a clown mask, and a torn lab coat. He had spiky hair and yellow gloves. Link had remembered him, the man who wanted to capture him. He shed tears, and was covered with fear.*

???: Oh dear, how dare you escape me... (He chuckles while crossing his hands, he shook his head while looking at a window.)
You shouldn't have done that. You're our key to success. My key to success. Your "father" had left you. He didn't love you, he abondoned you.

* Link didnt understand a thing. All he wanted was to get back home. He was looking everywhere for an exit. He panicked, and screamed. He then heard men grunt and moan.*

???: What-

*Out came the garage door was the body whom Link met a few hours ago. He had glowing red eyes and sawblades in his back, attacking the men. He took a look at Link and immediately ran to him.*

???: Wait...

???: Isn't that...

*The man felt like he had seen him
before. He looked familiar, his characteristics and actions. His face is what struck the man. He remembered.*

???: YOU!

*He walked back, startled, all the memories came back. He was breathing heavily, and tried to ran while he could. Unfortunately, he escaped the place and left. The body then untied Link and carried him away from the place. They soon stopped in a hut.*

???: Hey... You ok?
Link: Wh..wh.. (It all happened so sudden, the action, it was unbelievable for a 5 year old. He stood back and took a stick and pointed at it to the body)
???: Oh?
???: Oh yeah, forgot to introduce myself. My name is M.A.R.K. version 2.5.3, nice to meet you. He raised his hand to Link, waiting for a handshake.

*Link dropped his stick, confused and curious. He looked around Mark, and he felt a strange feeling, but in the end, he felt "safe". He hugged Mark and thanked him for saving him.*

Mark: What are you doing..
Link: Hugging? Mom says whenever I thank someone I hug them! Don't you do that?
Mark: I do not know "hugging"...
Link: Well.... "hugging" is when you... uh... (Link thinks of a way to reply..)
Link: Wait... what are you?
Mark: I'm a humanoid.
Link: Humanoid? Wh-whats that??
Mark: A human-like creature that looks like one, but is actually a different species. For me, I was made by metal.
Link: What..
Mark: ...
Mark: A human robot.
Link: Ooooh! Like Iron Man?
Mark: Iron Man?
Link: Y-yeah!! He's like a robot y'know? He shoots super cool lasers and can fly to the sky! Can you do that? You don't look like one though... shouldn't you talk like "Beeeep booop i'm a robot" or walk in a robot way?
Mark: Those are hurtful stereotypes..
Link: Awwwwh you look fat then.
Mark: Excuse me?
Link: Oh! Why did you follow me? You looked strange! Why are you in a dumpster?

*Link was full of questions. He was a curious boy with anything to ask.*

Mark: I simply don't know..
Link: Aww man...
Link: Then... why did you follow me huh? Why do? Why do?
Mark: That's classified information.
Link: Classified? Whats that?
Link: ...

*Link jumped through the air, feeling excited. He ran everywhere, and really wanted to tell Mark.*

Link: Can you be my brother?? You look so cool!
Mark: Brother?
Link: Yeah! Brothers are like bodyguards cuz they protect kids!
Mark: Oh-
Link: Please please PLEASE???
Mark: ...
Mark: Alright then.

*He jumped out of joy, and hugged Mark tight.*

Link: YEY! I can be peanut butter and you'll be pickle!
Mark: I don't get it.

*Link raises his pinky finger as a sign of a forever promise, while Mark giving a neutral expression, stared at him. Link noticed and took Mark's hand.*

Link: This is how you do it! You raaaaise your pinky finger, then we cross our pinkies together! We do a little round around our hands and say this funny chant! "I promise from my head to toes, to be brothers forever and never be foes!"
Mark: "I.. promise from my head to toee.. to be brothers.. forever... and never be foes."

*Link gives a joyful reaction and cheered out, he shaked Mark's hand really fast.*

Link: (grumbles)
Link: Oohh... hehe... you have some food?
Mark: Hmm.


???1: YOU SAW WHAT?!
???1: OH?! Was anyone there as well??
???2: Not that I have known of..
???1: You must not tell this to anyone!
???2: Roger.


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