Childish Mischief

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Lego monkie kid x G/n! Reader.

A/n: Hey there! Thank you, guys, for reading this and for your patience. The weather had risen, and it became too hot and melted my brain. Sorry for the grammar and spelling errors!

It was supposed to be a pleasant day to hang out at the restaurant. To relax and enjoy the weather, sadly, that wasn't the case. As the gang sat down, chatting and joking around and meeting an old friend again, having a good time and catching up.

Til two sneaky demons attempted a plan to capture Mk, once and for all!

"All right, Yin, let's go over this!" Jin said as they stood in the back alley, holding a mystery bottle filled with liquid. "Okay, We walk into the restaurant and ask them if they want to buy cookies!" Yin said, holding out a batch of somewhat decent cookies. "Yeah, when Monkie Kid eats one, he will turn into a child!" Jin said, "Then he won't be able to fight us when we attack!"

"YES! Then the city will be ours!" Jin explained to Yin. Yin nodded his head furiously. "He will be too punny to beat us!"

"That right!" Jin replies to his brother as he opens the bottle and puts a few drops on the cookies. They put on children's clothes, posing for a moment before walking to the front of the store. Inside was the whole gang chatting and eating noddle.

Mk and Mei talk to their old friend (Y/n), whom they met when they were kids. Tang and Sandy were talking to Pigsy about other things. The gang didn't notice the twins til one coughed. "Excuse me, do you guys want free cookies from children?" Yin said, making the best kid voice.

Mk and (Y/n) turned their heads to the two 'kids'. The due did not see through the disguises, while the rest of the gang knew something was off.

"Please, We made extra cookies for our..." Jin paused for a moment before Yin jumped in, "School! event!" He elbowed Jin's arm. "Ow-Yeah! Our school event!" Jin said, rubbing his arm. (Y/n) about to get one, was stopped by Pigsy. "Wait? What event?" He asked, causing the demon to sweat. "Uh...Um, a school fun raiser?" they both gave an uncertain response. But it was enough to convince (Y/n) and Mk.

"Good enough for me!" Mk said as he took the cookies. The twin demons snickered and ran out before Pigsy asked more questions. "Mk! Have I not taught you not to take anything from strangers!" Pigsy yelled, shaking his head and face palming."What's wrong with some kids giving out free cookies?" He asked before eating one. "I think the cookies are fine. They don't seem dangerous." (Y/n) said.

"Yeah, Want one, Tang? " Mei asked as she offered one to Tang, but he pushed it away. "As much as I love food, I learned my lesson from taking food from strangers." He said, shivers going down his spine as he remembered the scorpion queen. Mei looked at the cookies, "They aren't half bad. It does have an aftertaste." She said as Mk and (Y/n) noticed it. "Yeah, what is it?" (Y/n) questioned and tried to guess. Before they grabbed seconds, they realized all the cookies were gone.

Pigsy had taken them and thrown them away. "Pigsy!" The three teens whined as they saw their free cookies disappear. "You guys are going to get sick from those strange cookies." He said, crossing his arms as the teens pouted. Sandy patted (Y/n)'s back, "Don't worry, you guys. We can make our own later." He tried to cheer them up, and it worked.

"Yeah! We can so many chocolate chips!" Mk smiled as Mei agreed. Before (Y/n) said anything, they felt a sting. The gang turned to see them crouching on the floor.

Soon the other two felt the same pain. Tang and Pigsy rushed to catch them from falling. "Kids!" Pigsy said as he carried Mk, Tang with (Y/n), and Sandy with Mei.

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