Racing to the Finish Line

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Mei x Racer! Reader

A/n: Hi there everyone, I hope you enjoy this story. Sorry for taking too long. Life has been hectic and it still is, but I'm still writing. Also sorry for the grammar and spelling errors. PS i don't condone street racing.

Today was the day, at long last! You were going to show the world your skill! You were racing through the streets with your (f/c) motorcycle. You felt the excitement as you reached your destination.

The Great Wall Race.

You trained for months, remembering the roads, routes, and exits, til it was like the back of your hand. The last year you attempted to enter, but all spots were occupied, making you sit on the sidelines. This time nothing was stopping you!

When you arrived at the race track, it felt unreal, like a dream. You beamed as you took your place on the race track. As you went to your spot, you looked around at the competition. Most of them had race cars, but one caught your eye. It was a white roughed-up motorcycle with a design of green dragons. You could sense this was your real competition. The driver took off their helmet, revealing it to be a raven-haired girl. She ruffled her hair as she looked around at the other racers.

Your eyes met, but you quickly looked away in fluster and could hear a giggle in her direction. You felt embarrassed but shook your head. You were in a race and had to focus, but it shifted when a food delivery truck flipped and collided with other racers before landing near the green motorcyclist. You were surprised they allowed that, but it will be amusing to race against it.

You saw the black hair girl talking to the delivery boy as if they knew each other. You thought they were rivals because of the bricking going on.

Not a second later, another odd race car appeared behind the two. It had two demons, calling themselves Jin and Yin, and they tried to get the attention of the two fight racers. Before you had time to process, a red racer car came from flames into the track. The boy on it seems to know the girl and boy as well. 'This race is going to be exciting,' you thought as you got on your bike.

Till the ground started to tremble, causing you to fall backward. You dropped to the ground and turned to see the last entry, a large vehicle with a demon bull and a blacked hair woman driving. The other racers drove off or ran, while you were stunned as you could see it trampling the other vehicles, and nearly onto you. Someone came to your aid, helping you to get somewhere safe, but you witnessed your bike crushed. You had finally got your chance, and it was destroyed.

Before you knew what was ensuing, you could hear the two demons take over as the announcers. Soon the racer sped off to win, but you left with the piece of your shattered bike. The world became fuzzy for a moment as you realized what had just happened. Months of preparing, practicing, and waiting, were whipped in a few seconds.

You felt so many emotions at that moment, not hearing the two twin demons commenting about you. "Oh! And it looks like we have someone in shock by Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan's late entry! Oh, what a pity, isn't that right, Jin?"

"That's right, Yin! Do you think they would want vengeance for what happened today?" Jin asked his brother with a smirk. Yin laughed as he answered, " I sure would, they seem to be peaceful about this, but I can tell they are dying inside!" Both laughed before resuming the race. The worst part was they were right cause you were dying inside. There wasn't anything you could do before you were taken to the sideline by other racers who 'dropped' out.

As the race continued, you sat on the sidelines and watched your motorcycle get taken away from the track. You heard a crash from the big screen, as it showed the demon name DBK attempting to go through a mountain. 'This can't be the guy who destroyed my dreams..." You thought as the race continued. You heard through the two demon announcers what their names were, the delivery boy was named Mk, the red hothead guy was Red Son, and the green motorcyclist was Mei. You sighed, watching the three racers speeding their way through the city.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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