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ages: huey, 17. y/n, 16.
Y/n pov:
today huey was acting off, he never really shows emotion but it was different today. "baby?" i ask walking close to the bathroom. we was watching a movie together but then he went to the bathroom. hes been in there for a long time so i decided to check on him.

as i inched closer to the bathroom i heard small sniffles. i rushed to the bathroom door and knocked softly. "My love are you ok?" i ask trying to open the door but it was locked. "go away y/n" he said, i could hear the pain in his voice. ive always thought that huey was bipolar or depressed for the way he switches his mood, but i think now its because hes had so much shit bottled up inside. "baby let me in" i pleaded, no response. my only other option was to pick the lock.

i ran to my closet grabbing a metal hanger, unbending it and running back to the bathroom. i put the hanger in the hole and picked the lock. i flung the door open and saw huey sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, he had his head in his hands, he was shaking. "baby" i said softly, he looked up, tears streaming down his face. ive never seen this side of huey in our 10 years of friendship and 2 years of us dating. i raced to him, embracing him in a tight hug. he got up onto his knees as did i. he hugged me tightly and just sobbed on my shoulder. i didnt care tho.

my boyfriend was hurting and it was making me sad. "whats wrong" i whispered once he calmed down just a little. He took a deep breath and pulled away from our hug. "life is getting so hard" he explained, his voice cracking as he talked. "my parents are dead and have been, riley is so careless he got shot 2 times and almost died the first time, my thoughts are consuming me everytime im alone. the voices keep telling me to do things i shouldnt, i ignore them of course but its getting harder. i feel like im a bad boyfriend to you and you deserve better. im so fucked up y/n i dont understand why your with me" he cried. i stood up, he looked up at me with teary eyes. i pulled him up and embraced him in a hug again.

never in my life did i think i would see huey anthony freeman crying in my arms. "huey, your the most amazing boyfriend any girl could ask for, you treat me like a queen, make me feel pretty even when i feel like shit and make me laugh when im down. i couldnt ask for a better boyfriend. riley will learn he needs to be careful. jazmine will teach him that. im taking you to a therapist when they have the next free appointment, this isnt going to end well unless you get the help you need. ok my love? i love you fucking much you have no idea how fucking much i love you." i said stroking his afro.

"i love you too y/n, thank you for listening to me" he said pulling away, i looked him in the eyes and wiped his tears, smiled and nodded.

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