best friends

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ages: huey and y/n: 12
"hueyyy wake uppp" i sang as i shook him awake. "its too early y/n" he yawn and rolled back over. i thought of a way to get him up. oooo i know just the thing.

"i made your favorite breakfast, chocolate chip waffles with whipped cream with fresh fruit and vegan bacon" i whispered in his ear so riley didnt hear me and think i was telling the truth. "im up" he says bolting up.

he speed walked his way down the stairs and i followed behind him. "theres nothing there" he whined as i chuckled. its currently 11 am. me and huey went to be really late last night as we were having a sleepover

"awww im sorry love" i went up to huey to hug him. "you just ruined my whole morning" he said resting his head on my shoulder. "well if you want to we can make it" i said letting go of huey and walking to the fridge. "ok we can do that, ill make bacon and eggs?" he asks standing up straight.

right now i was in a pair of black sweats with a light baby pink cropped tank. huey was wearing only a pair of gray sweats.

"huey, go put a shirt on, you have a guest who happens to be a female." granddad said walking into the kitchen. "its ok granddad i dont mind it" i said choosing poor vocabulary. "ooooo who dont minddd, my girl gotta crush" riley said walking into the kitchen.

"i meant i dont care what he wears riley, get your head outta the gutter" i said walking over to the counter with my ingredients.

-skip after breakfast-

"thank you ma, thank you huey" riley says clearing his dishes from the table and putting them in the sink. "of course rie" i say getting up from the table to go do the dishes. "no no no y/n let me do the dishes" huey says. "we can do them together" i say making room for him.

i grabbed the sponge as he walked over and started washing the dishes. huey was rinsing and putting them on the drying rack.

i leaned over to huey when he wasnt paying attention and i kissed him on the cheek. "what was that for?" he asked holding his cheek almost as if hes cherishing the kiss. "i dont know, your my best friend and im showing you that i love you as my best friend' i simply said before putting the sponge in the now empty sink and walked away.

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