Info :]

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  • Dedicated to Mr. Baker, my English teacher


OKAY. Before any of you start throwing tomatoes at me, or sueing me, or calling the copyright police, I did NOT copy this story idea from the OptimisticPessimist. I actually had been gnawing on this story idea for a long time before she'd posted "The Silent Conspirators". When she posted her version (she unfortunately took it down, I think it was because she was really busy with her main story), my jaw dropped. Like literally. It detached itself from my face and fell to the ground causing quite the clatter.


I had sent her a message asking if she would mind if I still decided to post it, I mean afterall, she posted the story idea first, so technically it was hers. Being the amazing author she is, (seriously, go read her work. Right now.) she gave me permission to post away. :D! It probably won't be anywhere near as good as hers, but I hope you'll enjoy it. :)

The story idea came from yet, another one of my English teacher's (Mr. Baker) homework assignments. He calls them "Sneezes"; they're like warm-ups, or bell-ringers, or mugshots. (The prologue is actually the "sneeze".) It also came from a painting just like "There's No Place Like New York City". Plus the painting was also created by Edward Hopper! (It's called "Movie House"; feel free to Google it. It's the one with the lady in the blue uniform.)

The title came from when my piano teacher was teaching me my recital piece. There was this part where it repeated the first page and she said, "And we're back where we started." I thought it was a good story title. :)

Now enough with my meaningless chitchat! Read away!


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