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Seok ah's pov :

As soon as I recognized the owner of the bracelet I was shocked and my head was full of confusion and anger and disappointment, "KNOCK KNOCK", someone knocked at the door at it was eunwoo I opened the door and went towards my desk to keep the bracelet inside the drawer as I couldn't tell eunwoo now as I kept bracelet in the drawer, he back hugged me as he said sorry as he couldn't give me much time, I told that it's ok and told him to focus on work he again said sorry and told that today they would eat dinner out, I was happy that finally after a long time we will go out for dinner.  

I called him again and told him that the restoring company had sent items that they restored and I will show them to him at home 


We went to a fancy restaurant he booked a private cubicle for us it was a lavish dinner. we started eating he said that he really wanted to come here and try it as it was really famous after a few bites of food he asked me how was the food and I said that it lives up to the name it is really tasty. 

Again after a few bites, he asked if I was okay as I was not talking anything  and quietly eating dinner as I talk a lot but I shook my head and said nothing I am okay I am just enjoying the taste of food, and gave an assuring smile

Eunwoo's pov : 

We came here a long time ago did something happened, she isn't talking much but she told that she is okay and just enjoying it, I suddenly asked her where she wants our wedding, immediately her face's expressions were full of excitement as her eyes sparkled.

seok ah's pov : 

I gave him an assuring smile but still, that bracelet was on my mind, and before saying anything to eunwoo I want to confirm first that is he the same person I am thinking of. After a few seconds, eunwoo suddenly asked me where I want the wedding and my eyes started to sparkle and were full of excitement, "You should have asked me this first, after proposing to me I thought you forgot about our wedding, I whined", he laughed and said "I thought you needed some time that's why I didn't start the conversation but now seeing you I think we can start planning" he said happily, "so now tell me where do you want the wedding" he said, "HMMMM" I said I have a lot of plans for the wedding like it can be a simple wedding at a church or a proper wedding at a beach or a hall or a lavish destination wedding, I just have a lot of thoughts and plans what should we do? I asked He said to me that I can plan as I want but he is thinking of a lavish wedding in Seoul itself and asked what are my thoughts, I thought and said that we should think about it and come to a conclusion and smiled. 

We came home and I bought the box that had our memories from our old house we both sat and opened and saw all the items that included albums, some photos, and antiques we were soaked in the memory and my mind was working on the bracelet and owner 


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